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  • 博客訪問:

\'You were alone?\' \'The whole night?\'

(2015-10-22 16:42:55) 下一個

You got be in the moment to read a personality: Watch the video-clips and come to your own conclusion:



Roby: "You were alone?" Clinton: "The whole night?" Rob: "Yes, the whole night." Clinton: Laughs her head off.


“We’ve been here for nine and a half hours and the questions are increasingly badgering - I could say increasingly vicious,” says rep. Smith. He has some critical things to say about the Republicans on the committee.

“We’re looking to learn things that might help us prevent further attacks, but it looks like they’re just looking to wear you down. I’m curious if they’re interested in just continuing to badger the witness,” he continues. “I dont think its fair.”

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TJKCB 回複 悄悄話
Howard Fineman
? ?@howardfineman
If #Hillary can endure this it's hard to argue she doesn't have what it takes to deal with, say, Vlad the Impaler or the Freedom Caucus.
4:54 PM - 22 Oct 2015 · Washington, DC, United States
TJKCB 回複 悄悄話 1h ago00:59

The longer this goes on for - and we are entering the tenth hour of questioning - the more of a political win this is likely to be for Clinton. She has kept her cool, and refused to be drawn; the Republicans on the committee, by contrast, have looked shrill, hectoring, and like they are trying to score political points.
TJKCB 回複 悄悄話
Chad Pergram
? ?@ChadPergram
#Benghazi chair Gowdy: It's worth any amount of political badgering to learn more about these four dead Americans
TJKCB 回複 悄悄話 1h ago01:24

“When the attack began, did you know how the night would play out,” asks Pompeo, a little obtusely.

Obtusely - definition of obtusely by The Free Dictionary


b. Characterized by a lack of intelligence or sensitivity: an obtuse remark. c. Not distinctly felt: an obtuse pain. 2. a. Not sharp, pointed, or acute in form; blunt. b.
TJKCB 回複 悄悄話 for·mi·da·ble



adjective: formidable

inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.

"a formidable opponent"


intimidating, forbidding, daunting, disturbing, alarming, frightening, disquieting, brooding, awesome, fearsome, ominous, foreboding, sinister, menacing, threatening, dangerous

"a formidable curved dagger"


onerous, arduous, taxing, difficult, hard, heavy, laborious, burdensome, strenuous, back-breaking, uphill, Herculean, monumental, colossal;

demanding, tough, challenging, exacting;



"a formidable task"


capable, able, proficient, adept, adroit, accomplished, seasoned, skillful, skilled, gifted, talented, masterly, virtuoso, expert, knowledgeable, qualified;

impressive, powerful, mighty, terrific, tremendous, great, complete, redoubtable;

informalmean, wicked, deadly, nifty, crack, ace, magic, crackerjack

"a formidable pianist"


pleasant-looking, comforting

Word Origin

causing fear, apprehension, or dread:
a formidable opponent.

of discouraging or awesome strength, size, difficulty, etc.; intimidating:
a formidable problem.

arousing feelings of awe or admiration because of grandeur, strength, etc.

of great strength; forceful; powerful:
formidable opposition to the proposal.