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  • 博客訪問:

White Privilege -

(2015-09-25 14:44:24) 下一個


White People | Official Full Documentary | MTV

Published on Jul 22, 2015

What does it mean to be white? MTV’s ‘White People’ is a
groundbreaking documentary on race that aims to answer that question
from the viewpoint of young white people living in America today. The
film follows Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and filmmaker, Jose
Antonio Vargas, as he travels across the country to get this
complicated conversation started. ‘White People’ asks what’s fair when
it comes to affirmative action, if colorblindness is a good thing,
what privilege really means, and what it’s like to become the “white
minority” in your neighborhood. For more information on ‘White
People,’ and to join the conversation, head to race.lookdifferent.org.

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jernst7569 3 weeks ago
Why is diversity a good thing? it seems to me the only places in the
world where diversity is pushed forward as a required positive
influence on society is in predominately white countries.
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Gunner6000WarZ 1 day ago
+Rayan ALQurashi There aren't enough black people in Dubai or
Singapore to be considered Diverse. It needs a good 25 percent black,
25 percent white 10 percent asian, the left overs can be arab or
whatever..... then you have diversity.
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Jake Odinson 23 hours ago
I think 0% is right about the best amount of blacks
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Lord Belmont 3 weeks ago (edited)
Something that people that your skin color did - good and bad -
doesn't necessarily have anything to do with other people with that
skin color. People don't have a collective consciousness based on
race, you racist fucks.
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jay bee 4 days ago
+Lord Belmont Thank you!
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trini13archer 3 days ago
+Lord Belmont It depends on how you define consciousness. If you
define it as that which is contained solely within your memories and
immediate awareness then I understand why you feel the way you feel.
But this is not collective consciousness, this is self-consciouness.
Collective consciousness is not contained solely within the
individual's awareness or memories, nor their bodies but in the
causalities that lead to and stem from their specific circumstance at
any given point in time. Also understand that certain aspects of the
world that exist in your self-consciousness may not be contained in
another's due to their lack of shared experiences or exposure. If you
view collective consciousness within this broader perspective you may
include these inter-generational ripple effects that can lead to
inadvertent disparities in equality that stem from important past
events. The sentiment that you feel is shared by many other whites
across the world but there are some who don't feel that way though.
Many have come to realize that their social standing and the factors
that lead to that involved some degree of privilege over their peers
of different skin color that may have stemmed directly from past
events involving racial disputes or indirectly from systems that have
evolved from primordial forms that were originally defined along
racial lines. This inheritance itself, while not directly related to
the individual's actions or decisions, is thus a ripple result of
events of the past. While not all whites benefit equally from these
ripple effects, they still maintain their privilege over a majority of
non-whites. In this manner, the collective interactions through time
and space of a multitude of individuals via this medium of
consciousness can be seen to give rise to the state of things today.
This doesn't always mean that collective consciousness acts for the
worse or that racial paradigms of the past always result in negative
end products. In his book on the foundations of success, Outliers,
Malcolm Gladwell shows how racially motivated selection in the early
law firm environment of New York forced up and coming, jewish lawyers
into then unpopular and unprofitable sectors of the field, sectors
which would in later years serve to make them millionaires and tycoons
of the most successful law firms on record. It is important to
understand how this collective consciousness works and to be honest
with the manner in which it has benefitted or handicapped your
circumstance. It teaches a great lesson in humility, and gives you a
realistic impression of your abilities and circumstance that can allow
you to live a more fulfilling and productive life.
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SuperMegaUltraPigeon 2 weeks ago
Retards everywhere. "White people killed native americans", SOME white
people did, don't blame a whole fucking race for the acts of a few in
that race.
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SuperMegaUltraPigeon 1 hour ago
+Grokford I knew that the Aztecs and Mayans were wiped out by disease,
but never that the rest of the natives were. Cheers for bringing me up
to speed dude.
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Grokford 1 hour ago
Oh yes it was quite extensive. It would have been the same situation
if Amerinidans came the to told world. Inumerable casualties.
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Tyrah Knight 4 weeks ago
I'm usually that one black friend white people have . They use me to
defend themselves from racial allegations. ????
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Chris Hansen 1 week ago
+RubyDragon5645 the majority of people in America are white? Whites
don't have as much kids as everybody else, and all the "minorities"
far outnumber whites. But I get what you're saying.
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Janet Mcconnell 1 week ago
+Tyrah Knight If that is how you feel about your white friends, then
you are not being a real friend, are you? Friends don't usually go on
YouTube and make racist and offensive comments about their friends.
You are not a friend to any white people if this is how you feel about
them. You are a back stabbing jerk, not a friend.
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No one wanted this 2 weeks ago
This is fucking nonsense. All of this can literally be said about any
other countries majority population. AKA China and the Chinese.
Fucking stupid. There's no such thing as "White Privilege". It's a
majority privilege. Most Chinese would feel foreigners are taking
their jobs and ruining their culture. Why? Because they're the
majority of the population. They'd feel they were supposed to be given
a job instead of that foreigner, same as in the U.S. Same as in ANY
OTHER COUNTRY. MTV at it's finest, ladies and gents.
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Ben Woodcock 1 day ago
You are truly ignorant. You remind me of Katy in the video.
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mia87 3 weeks ago
"Researchers have proven scientifically that humans are all one
people...The color of our ancestors’ skin and ultimately my skin and
your skin is a consequence of ultraviolet light, of latitude and
climate. Despite our recent sad conflicts here in the U.S., there
really is no such thing as race. We are one species—each of us much,
much more alike than different. We all come from Africa. We all are of
the same stardust. We are all going to live and die on the same
planet, a Pale Blue Dot in the vastness of space. We have to work
together." —Bill Nye, Rutgers University Commencement, 2015
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Chris Channer 20 hours ago
+mia87 that is completely wrong though
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Shawntele Lewis 3 weeks ago
Katy sounds like a big baby
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James Henley 2 weeks ago (edited)
Also i am in the process of contacting news agency about this. I
posted this at the top of the comment section........ Well MTV You
continue to hide peoples comments to stop any meaningful discussion so
i have contacted news agencies about your unethical behavior...Enjoy
the news coverage........They more than likely hid it already, if not,
watch it and tell me when they do.
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TheRantMaster53 2 weeks ago
+James Henley Damn, I thought the other guy was talking bull.
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Da Bro 4 weeks ago
I'm white and I don't give a fuck come at me I dare you
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popculture Heart 3 days ago
+Da Bro that wasn't the point. you obviously MISSED it too. :) lol
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popculture Heart 3 days ago
These comments above are why PoC talk so much shit about us. Cuz we
are racist. haha
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LunnBass 4 weeks ago (edited)
As a black man I can be honest and say a lot of us are racist against whites.
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Albert Ciafre 4 hours ago (edited)
+LeISHaa Adams Are you responding to me? I didn't say or even imply
anything that you could say I was racist. I passed blame off on the
government, not blacks. Please explain what you mean. I was agreeing
with you for the most part. What did I say that was so offensive and
how did i generalize black people. I am not racist! You are the firs
person to ever say so and I have made these same type of comments
plenty of times. As Americans we ALL need to be aware. My gripe is
with the media and our government. How did you form any of your
opinions based on my comments? Your response is so vague I cant even
tell if you are talking to me. I gave plenty of reasons as to why I
think the way I do and none were racist! Can you please elaborate?
Please excuse me if you are not responding to me. I just noticed there
was another comment after mine that sounded quite rude and frankly I
didn't understand what it is he was saying. I still dont get his
point. He I have to say he sounds very angry. He seems discontent with
something, I'm just not exactly sure what it is.
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Mike Holden 1 week ago (edited)
I'm Black. When I was younger, I went to a predominantly Black school
in a more rougher area of my state. I never really thought much of
race, mostly because I was younger and it never really popped into my
head that much. My parents raised me to be a respectable, law-abiding,
and nice person. So I spoke proper, didn't use any slang, and had a
strong moral code. Because of that, a lot of the black kids around me
who either weren't raised as such or just didn't care, always called
me "White". I got called White for following the rules, reading at my
grade level, and doing my work. Then I went to a more predominantly
white school in the seventh grade in a nicer area of the state. I had
a lot of white friends, but not very many black friends. A lot of the
black kids in that school were acting up, causing trouble, blah blah
blah. Now of course there were the fair share of white kids acting up,
but it wasn't as much of the white populous as it was the black.
However, there were significantly less black students than white at my
school. There were black students that weren't causing trouble like
the others were. But by the populous that regularly acted up, didn't
do their work, and spoke with slang, I still got called white. Then
some of the white kids would say "Wow, you're really nice for a black
guy" or "You talk really well/white". After a while, I started to go
along with it and I'd introduce myself as a an "oreo" or a "really
white black guy". It wasn't until I got into college that I realized,
after a talk with my dad, how messed up that joke was. Basically, the
entire premise behind it was that black people were the ones causing
trouble, not doing work, and being bad, while white people were the
exact opposite. And because of that, any black kid that did their
work, spoke properly, didn't listen to rap, and didn't cause any
trouble, was white, and vice versa. I realized that joke was stupid
and it perpetuated a stereotype that needs to be stomped out, or at
least people need to realize that not all black people are
trouble-makers or slang-talkers. It can be really easy to think that
because those are the ones more predominantly shown in the media, but
honestly, if white people were shown to be acting up on a more regular
basis like a few unfortunate members of my race were, then people
would be more likely to think that toward white people. Basically,
what I'm saying is that if you refer to yourself as a "White-black
person" because you're nice, upstanding member of society that does
their work and doesn't cause trouble, that's not right. Even if it is
a joke. Because all you're doing is just furthering the stigma that
all black people are the trouble-makers you sometimes see on the
television. There are black people that do so much good for society,
and there are black people that don't. There are white people that do
so much good for society, and there are white people that don't. Every
race has their own group of people that don't do right and act
foolish. That doesn't mean we should let that group define an entire
race, even if you do happen to see them on the news committing crimes
more than another. Just because a few black and white people run gangs
and talk like they're idiots, that doesn't mean that's what the entire
race stands for and that definitely doesn't mean that's what the
entire, or even a majority, of that race is like. This extends to all
races, not just whites and blacks. You should not define an entire
race just because certain people do or have done certain things.
Slavery does not give any black person an excuse to be cruel or unfair
to a white person unless that white person has taken you as their
slave right here, right now. Just because yes, a vast majority of
white people back a long time ago were slave masters, slave owners, or
just flat-out agreed with slavery, doesn't by any means mean that all
white people back then and today are like that. All that matters is
you figure out who you are. Not this stigma of "Black people are
ghetto" or "White people are stuck-up and boring". Just do you, and
look back on great leaders of our respective races that pushed for
rights, equality, and progression. That's what it means to be a
certain race.
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Mike Holden 2 days ago
+Wogan Reed Well, I've never actually seen for myself a study that
says that. Then again, I'm not actively seeking it out. Could you link
me to it? I'm not being a troll or anything, I just want to see for
myself. That being said, I don't know. Ask anyone why they commit the
crimes they commit to get the proper reasoning. However, I can say
that growing up, there were a few Black kids that tried to get me to
act out with them. So maybe it has something to do with that. It could
be something they learn as kids and never properly learn values,
morals, and rules. Or they could have a fine upbringing and life and
just commit a crime for whatever reason. I don't know. I'm not an
expert and it'd be wrong of me to give a proper opinion on it. But I
see your question, because whenever I turn on the news, it's likely
that I see a Black person committing a crime. That isn't to say all
Blacks do that. But I think part of it may have to do with this
"ghetto" and "thug" culture that exists within the Black community.
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Mike Holden 2 days ago
+LeISHaa Adams Hey, thank you! I appreciate your kind words. I'm sorry
you had to experience that. Your cousin is wrong to say that you're
acting White just because you don't want to conform to ghetto culture
or act out. I see your rage and I feel the same way as you sometimes.
While I've learned to make peace with it that people are gonna say I
act White, it still gets under my skin sometimes. You're exactly
right. It's the ghetto culture that does this and gives us a bad name.
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Julian Aguilar 4 weeks ago (edited)
This is terribly produced. I keep cringing and pausing. I don't know
if I can make it until the end.
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Albert Ciafre 2 hours ago
+Julian Aguilar You called the other guy retarded because he is
bringing up the constitution which I did as well. You are not an
expert but still talk like you know. You seem to think you're right
even after claiming that you dont know. LMAO. Anyway, under the
constitution everyone is created equal. I understand that you believe
in white privilege but it does not exist. It may be a way of thinking
but not how white people should be portrayed. The constitution is
against any type of privilege. The only thing I heard you comment on
was what you didn't like , how it was shot, or just the poor quality
of it. Its reasonable to believe that you agree with the content since
you have nothing negative to say about that which is what really
matters. Not the fucking quality of the video! SMH
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Albert Ciafre 2 weeks ago
Those white people in that video must have been paid actors because
whites do not think and feel that way. Not one white person that I
know thinks that they are privileged because of their skin color and I
know whites from all walks of life. This video is all rhetoric and
propaganda! Its a creation of the liberal left and their extreme ways
of thinking. Pure Zealots! I dont like where this country has gone.
The voice of the minority dictates the actions of the majority and
shames them for simply exsisting. Enough is Enough!
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Cali Vixen 21 hours ago
it might do me good but it might not. who says im going to agree with
what it says. i actually liked the documentary. I had no idea some
people felt this way. There iss nothing wrong with people sharing
their secrets or insecurities. Dont be upset because they might also
be spilling some of yours too. Well... you can be upset. But dont try
to hush other people up just because they dont feel the way you do but
they look the way you do :)
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Albert Ciafre 1 hour ago (edited)
+Cali Vixen There is not a single thing in my comment that you can
refute therefor you wont and come off as if it is too long of a read.
Takes 30 seconds. Are you lazy, illiterate or actually realize that
you are wrong and arguing would make you look like a FOOL! Probably a
combination of all three!
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Stephanie Hamilton 4 weeks ago
I'm the only white family in my town of Windsor mill Maryland right
outside Baltimore city and I know what it feels like to be the
minority and my children really know what it feels like being the only
white kids in their schools
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Cali Vixen 23 hours ago
so youd rather complain and argue then help your baby out. stop crying
and get your child the help they need. instead of making your poor
children suffer by being harrassed by evil "ghetto hood bullies" . are
you that pathetic of a mother to not beable to search on the internet
or ask other people where a safe neighborhood is. help your child and
stop crying on youtube :)
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Gory Greg 2 weeks ago
Is this supposed to be the anti-white documentary they made?
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Cali Vixen 4 days ago
+Gory Greg No. It isnt
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trini13archer 3 days ago
+Gory Greg Nah it's supposed to wake people up by saying the things
people are afraid to say be them negative or positive.
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dingo 4 weeks ago
just a clarification on one of his points. 67% of the us population is
white, so even in a completely blind selection process, ~67% of
scholarship applicants would be white. so the gap is more or less an
advantage of 10% if you are white. however, I think the point he
misses here is that minorities and even more so blacks have a harder
time getting to the point where they are even eligible for college,
because of their disadvantages as youths. so there's a good chance
that a sampling of the us population such as those applying for
scholarships is NOT representative of the actual demographics of the
country. so it's not really that the selection process itself is
weighted it's that the amount of white people applying is likely much
larger, and thus squeezes minorities out thus necessitating
affirmative actions like race based scholarships. white people will
continue to be baffled by this, and I don't understand why
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TheLonePantheist 6 days ago
You do realize "Hispanic" and "Latino" are not races. Including white
Hispanics, the white population of the United states is closer to 77%.
The "non-Hispanic white" population is around 64 - 67%. - CIA
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Equality First 3 days ago
+dingo Most colleges accept near 100% of black applicants. Shooting
down Asians and whites who have higher GPA and SAT scores. All they
have to fucking do is graduate. Can't even do that.
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shreddedreams 4 days ago
Damn, America is such a freak show. Feel sorry for you guys. And to
think, when I was younger I thought it was utopia and wanted to live
there and shit.. Stupid movies corrupting my mind!
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shreddedreams 4 days ago
Christ, they don't even have basic discrimination laws. My native
country' laws wouldn't allow a refusal of scholarship based on
ethnicity. Derp.
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MintyFreshYT 1 month ago
A lot of people feel guilty about being white for various reasons,
however I don't feel guilty simply because I'm not a bad, racist,
hateful, etc. white person. Maybe it's the growing up in NYC, but
differentiating between race is not in the culture. It's not that hard
to simply not think about people's race and take them for who they
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bamb113r 3 weeks ago
+Lance Ballstrong same reason anyone gets married? love doesnt
discriminate. youre questions pretty damn stupid.
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James Gardner 2 weeks ago
+MintyFreshYT Which is probably due to their race.
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FishizzleBoy 3 weeks ago
That awkward moment when you realize more than 1.2 million whites were
enslaved from the 16th century to 19th century and sent to Africa ._.
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Loki Bartleby (OGTech) 1 day ago
+a ko Jesus tap dancing christ, youre an ignorant asshole arent you?
Try reading a fucking book rather than fucking Buzzfeed and Tumblr.
The small pox in blankets was a myth and has been disproven (source:
Im a History Major). You, sir... Are a racist, youre just looking to
blame whitey for your problems cos youre too fucking lazy to sort them
out for yourself. Eat shit.
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a ko 1 day ago (edited)
+Loki Bartleby History major? OH GOD HELP US! I'm sure you will be the
one white washing history, right asshole?
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Courtney Cook 2 weeks ago
Great....I just wish they discussed how being "White" strips you of
culture and individuality. They almost went there at the end when they
discussed how Italian and Jewish immigrants were considered minority
groups but now have become "white". It's important to understand how
racism works and how it dehumanized ALL of us. That is why young
"White" Americans appropriate other cultures. Because to be "White" is
to be devoid of differences. They crave a culture of their own. There
is no White American culture other than the privileges that come with
it "White" is not even a race, and "race" is not even a scientific
measurable object. What makes us different is our geographical origin
(which affects our physical characteristics passed down genetically)
and our cultures. It means nothing but privilege to be "White". BUT it
means so much more to be Italian, Greek, Russian, Swedish, etc. or
maybe a mixture of those things. Be proud of your differences!!
Appreciate others being different! I believe that if racism is
something that has been done, it is something that can also be undone
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remos100 5 days ago
We dont look at 21st century germans and blame them for the holocaust,
so why blame 21st century white americans for slavery?

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