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calculate the Area under the curves to see who overall dominated

(2015-09-17 11:21:10) 下一個

calculate the Area under the curves to see who overall dominated

You're kidding, right?

已有 7 次閱讀2015-9-17 10:13|個人分類:Observation|係統分類:海外觀察 推薦到群組

Been there, seen it - reminded me of the great view and well-thought-out design of Reagan Library - a form of art. I didn't realize the presidential limo so small. The Air Force One is so ordinary, out of my imagination small.Ha - the debate (below), more about entertainment than about serious policy and issues - a joke telling. You're kidding, right?


Helluva "No" - see this comment:

Ugluk the Ork, 10:55 AM "what an unbiased person gets from this graph is that Trump overall gets consistently more interest... mathematically you would have to calculate the Area under the curves to see who overall dominated, but I think we all know who that is anyway, so lets not have pesky math get in the way of spin here."
So scientific! Well trained eyes! We need this quality in our voters.


************************************** Ref ***********************

Donald Trump’s flat debate performance, visualized


For a while in the middle of Wednesday night's main Republican presidential debate -- that is to say, well over an hour into it -- Donald Trump seemed to vanish. The voluble businessman came out of the gates punching everything in sight and then just ... stopped.


He didn't literally leave the stage. But it was like when you only notice that the air conditioning has been humming loudly after it's been shut off.

We noted Wednesday night that Carly Fiorina attracted a ton of attention for her performance, as measured in people searching for the candidates on Google. This isn't a foolproof or, as far as I know, tested method of evaluating performance, but it's a logical one. People see someone, then want more information about them.

In the first debate, in August, Trump generated a ton of search interest, as he usually does. There were occasional spikes, but nothing long-term. The closest to matching him was Ben Carson -- and, of course, both of them saw increases in the polls after the debate.


Wednesday night's picture was different. Trump was overtaken by Fiorina a few times and by Bush once -- in part thanks to Fiorina and Bush's personal stories. Fiorina's overall search pattern pretty closely matched Trump's throughout the event. Trump still got more searches, but it wasn't the same.


Notice, too, that we added a benchmark search: "Kardashian." Interest in the other big name of reality TV is generally pretty steady. Wednesday night's debate's searches spiked higher above the Kardashian baseline than August's.

Compare them directly. You can see how Trump's searches were spikier over the course of the hours on Wednesday and how much more bunched up he was with other candidates. In part this is due to the size of the Fiorina and Bush spikes in the latest debate, but in part it was Fiorina more closely matching him.


And compare Fiorina in August to Fiorina last night. If Donald Trump stayed about the same, Fiorina crushed it. Maybe, for once, the pundits are right.

Whitewater Willie
11:04 AM PDT
Look, Donald Trump threatens to derail the whole process of politics in Washington. None of the power brokers, WaPo included, are prepared to deal with this, so they create their own narrative to try to take him down. We can all see right through their tactics. Donald Trump needs a professional food taster. Watching the debate last night, I was amazed at how robotic Rubio, Cruz, Walker, Huckabee and to a lesser extent Bush and Kasich looked compared to Trump. Carson is great, I would consider voting for him if Trump somehow gets railroaded, but Fiorina came off as cold and hostile to me last night. I scratched her off my list. Won't vote for anyone but Trump or Carson. I'll probably vote for Gary Johnson again if it's anyone but Carson or Trump, because it won't make any difference who gets elected. More debt, more division and more talk and no action.
See More
11:00 AM PDT
Not sure what polls are being referenced regarding who won the debate - would still be a bit early. For what it is worth, it was a CNN sponsored debate, and CNN is saying Fiorina "won".
See More
10:59 AM PDT [Edited]
Someone connect me to a Post pundit who actually goes on record as to whether Trump is in or on his way out.
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Ugluk the Ork
10:55 AM PDT
what an unbiased person gets from this graph is that Trump overall gets consistently more interest... mathematically you would have to calculate the Area under the curves to see who overall dominated, but I think we all know who that is anyway, so lets not have pesky math get in the way of spin here...
See More
10:52 AM PDT
"Kardashian baseline"

We all deserve what we get.
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10:49 AM PDT
Winging it, can only take you so far. Trump can only pose to be a politician.
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Ugluk the Ork
11:00 AM PDT
You say ot like thats a bad thing, who wants to be a politician anyway... I'm ready for a non politician president...
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Luther Textor
10:41 AM PDT
Americans no longer need to search "Trump". They know him and love him.
See More
10:40 AM PDT
The pols show the public loved Trump, so WAPO calls is "flat". LOL



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