Shameless Persistence
by J. Oswald Sanders
Reprinted by permission from his book
Prayer Power Unlimited
A Teaching Quarterly for Discipleship of Heart and Mind
C.S. L
This article originally appeared in the Winter 2004 issue of
Knowing & Doing.
...because of his importunity.
Luke 11:8 KJV
thing but it came at some time—no matter at how
distant a day, somehow, in some shape, probably
the last I would have devised, it came.”
Why Is Importunity Necessary?
Since God is a loving heavenly Father who knows
all our needs better than we do, why should He require
us to importune Him? Why does He not just
grant our requests, as He is well able to do?
This is somewhat of a mystery, and the answer
does not appear on the surface. We can be assured that
there is no reluctance on God’s part to give us whatever
is good for us. He does not need to be coaxed, for
He is not capricious. Prayer is not a means of extorting
blessing from unwilling fingers. The “how much more”
of Matthew 7:11 affirms this with emphasis. The answer
must be sought elsewhere. The necessity must lie
in us, not in God. It is not God who is under test, but
our own spiritual maturity.
Dr. W. E. Biederwolf makes the interesting suggestion
that importunity is one of the instructors in
God’s training school for Christian culture. God does
not always grant the answer to prayer at once because
the petitioner is not yet in a fit state to receive
what he asks. There is something God desires to do
in him before He answers the prayer.
There may be some lack of yieldedness, or some
failure to master some previous spiritual lesson. So
while He does not deny the request, He withholds
the answer until, through persevering prayer, the
end He has in view is achieved.
May this not be in part the explanation of some
of God’s seeming delays? His delays are always delays
of love, not of caprice. “Men would pluck their
mercies green; God would have them ripe.”
An Athletic of the Soul
Canon W. Hay Aitken refers to prayer as “an athletic
of the soul” that is designed to render our desires
more intense by giving them adequate
expression, to exercise the will in its highest functions,
and to bring us into closer touch with God. It
will also test the reality and sincerity of our faith,
and save it from being superficial. Importunity
rouses the slumbering capacities of the soul and prepares
the way for faith.
There may be other reasons why the divine response
tarries and importunity is needed. Here are
some suggestions.
1. We may be asking without greatly caring about the issue.
If we are not in earnest, why should God bestir
Himself? We shall find Him when we seek with all our
Shameless Persistence
2. We may be asking for selfish reasons, and the discipline
of delay is necessary to purge us of this. Selfish
motivation is self-defeating in prayer.
3. We may unconsciously be unwilling to pay the price
involved in the answering of our prayers, and our Father
desires us to face up to this fact.
4. We may be misinterpreting what God is doing in our
lives in answer to our prayers. This was the case with
John Newton, the converted slave-trader. He gives his
testimony in verse:
I asked the Lord, that I may grow
In faith, and love, and every grace;
Might more of his salvation know,
And seek more earnestly his face.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I hoped that in some favoured hour,
At once he’d answer my request;
And by his love’s constraining power,
Subdue my sins, and give me rest.
Instead of this, he made me feel
The hidden evils of my heart;
And let the angry powers of hell
Assault my soul in every part.
Yea more, with his own hand he seemed
Intent to aggravate my woe;
Crossed all the fair designs I schemed,
Blasted my gourds, and laid me low.
Lord, why is this, I trembling cried,
Wilt thou pursue thy worm to death?
“’Tis in this way,” the Lord replied,
“I answer prayer for grace and faith.
“These inward trials I employ,
From self and pride to set thee free;
And break thy scheme of earthly joy,
That thou mayst seek thy all in me.”
God’s dual method with His servant was to reveal to
him the inherent evil of his heart so that he would be
motivated to claim importunately from God the blessing
he was then fitted to receive.
5. Another possible reason for God’s apparent delay or
denial of an answer is put forward to Dr. D. M.
McIntyre: it secures our humble dependence on God.
3 If
He bestowed our desires as gifts of nature and did not
want our solicitations, we would tend to become independent
of Him. “Otherwise, you may say in your heart,
‘My power and the strength of my hand made me this
wealth,’” was God’s warning to His people. “You shall
remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving
you power to make wealth” (Deut. 8:17-18).
Our Part Not Yet Fully Done
For our encouragement, we should remember that
the walls of Jericho did not fall until the Israelites
had circled them a full thirteen times and then
shouted the shout of faith (Josh. 6:1-20). We may
have circled our prayer-Jericho the full thirteen
times, and yet the answer has not come. Why?
Could it be that God is waiting to hear the shout of
faith? Perhaps that is the reason the forbidding
walls are still intact. He delights to see us step out in
faith upon His naked promise.
Unanswered yet? Nay, do not say unanswered,
Perhaps your part is not yet wholly done,
The work began when first your prayer was uttered,
And God will finish what He has begun.
Keep incense burning in the shrine of prayer,
And glory shall descend sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet? Faith cannot be unanswered;
Her feet are firmly planted on the Rock;
Amid the wildest storms she stands undaunted,
Nor quails before the loudest thunder shock.
She knows Omnipotence has heard her prayer,
And cries, “It shall be done sometime,
Two Importunate Intercessors
Abraham and Elijah stand in contrast in two prayer
Abraham was an intimate friend of God. In one
of his conversations with God, God revealed to him
the impending judgment on Sodom. He interceded
for his nephew Lot and the people of Sodom in a
prayer of mixed argument, audacity, and humility.
It was a most remarkable prayer. Time and again
Abraham enlarged his demand—fifty righteous,
forty-five, forty, thirty, twenty, ten—and then he
stopped praying. There was no reason to suppose
God’s mercy was exhausted. But while Abraham
received a partial answer and Lot was delivered,
Sodom was destroyed. His intercession was unsuccessful
because of failure in importunity.
Elijah pressed his suit on behalf of his droughtstricken
nation, and refused to take no for an answer.
Seven times, strong in faith, he pled with God,
and the full answer came.
Is it without significance that Elijah prayed seven
times, the number of perfection and fullness—while
Abraham stopped at six times, the number of human
frailty? Abraham stopped asking before God
stopped answering. Let us become “seven-times
Faith, mighty faith the promise sees,
And looks to God alone;
Laughs at impossibilities,
And cries, It shall be done!
E. M. Bounds, Purpose in Prayer (New York: Revell, 1920), p. 54.
W. H. Aitken, The Divine Ordinance of Prayer (London: Wells
Gardner, 1902), p. 118.
D. M. M’Intyre, The Hidden Life of Prayer, rev. ed. (Stirling, Scotland:
Drummond’s Tract Depot, n.d.), p. 120.
Shameless Persistence
A native of New Zealand, the late
Oswald Sanders
(1902-1992) was a
consulting director for Overseas Missionary
Fellowship, the organization
founded by Hudson Taylor in 1865.
He preached and taught in conferences
in many countries and wrote
over 40 books on the Christian life,
The Incomparable Christ, Satan Is No Myth, and Enjoying
Intimacy With God
. He received the Order of the British
Empire for Christian service and theological writing.
In his preface to
Prayer Power Unlimited, Sanders writes:
The supreme importance of prayer is tacitly admitted by
most evangelical Christians. It is accepted as an article of
faith. And yet there are few areas of the Christian life in
which there are more regretful confessions of failure and
The author does not pose as an authority
on the subject—only a fellow
student in the school of prayer; he is
very conscious of the heights yet to be
Shameless Persistence
Used by permission.
© 2004 C.S. L
8001 Braddock Road, Suite 300; Springfield, VA 22151