

最後一天! 催票!催票!今天不投票,明天多交稅!

(2014-06-02 14:19:46) 下一個



東灣16區的童鞋們,請投票支持Catharine Baker for 16th State Assembly District.
CB 如果贏得初選, 將充分展現亞裔的參政力量的團結。 不要以為隻有中國人支持Baker,其實華裔選民並不孤單, 美國人也同樣不願意投票給Tim,拜他代表的工會所賜,富有的加州國,教育全美倒數幾名,BART不時來個大罷工,灣區交通大癱瘓。

下麵看看美國學校的PTA 怎樣給學校的家長們分析選情並預測Baker會贏得初選:

State Assembly

To make it to the top two for November's election, a candidate only needs 33% + 1 vote to ensure that there can not be two others that would both have more. Catherine Baker, the sole Republican but, as the Republican challenger in the most recent election received 40.8% of the vote, she will most likely reach the 33% threshold by the people who vote straight Republican.

So who of the three Democrats to pick as her challenger?
If you are registered Republican or just haven't noticed the 50 pounds of mailings from Glazer vs Sbranti, this race is the battle ground of a proxy war.
The Chamber of Commerce, Realtors, and the California Charter Schools Association are on Glazer's side vs the California Teachers Association/Union and SEIU (Service Employees Union) on Sbranti's side.

Newell Arnerich also supports charter schools, but he has not been able to gather as significant support. It is not enough to be a good guy with great ideas, you need to have an army.

想要了解4位16區 Assembly 的候選人請看錄像:
Steve Glazer - http://youtu.be/uVYKdCHXPYQ
Catherine Baker - http://youtu.be/dE6zOz1iJ2U
Tim Sbranti - http://youtu.be/cxD2gWjXfIo
Newell Arnerich - http://youtu.be/_Hsev3Ic9bA

更多local新聞: 高中生社團主辦領導才能和爬藤經驗論壇


據參加了polling station volunteer 說,沒有登記成選民的仍然可以在6月3日當天到投票站投票,但手續稍有不同,當天要谘詢投票站的工作人員,用的好像是粉色投票紙。

如果你已經登記,但還沒有寄出選票,請務必去投票站投下你神聖的一票.你可以把郵寄選票(mailing ballot)填好並交到任何投票站. 如果你沒有郵寄選票,就需到自己所屬的投票站投票. No vote no voice. Every vote counts. 

Alameda county polling places ( Pleasanton, Dublin, Livermore, etc ):
Contra Costa County polling places ( San Ramon, Danville, Alamo, Orinda, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Moraga, etc ):
Santa Clara County polling places :
投票參考(Voting guide):



California 6/3 Election Cheat Sheet



關於16區眾議院候選人Catharine Baker


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