多次聚會每次都吃得太腐敗,不但吃膩了腸子,吃粗了腰,吃圓了臉盤,還吃小了衣服。於是有高大上的團員建議,“新年伊始咱們也要來改革,要不這次吃相好一點?小資一點?吃少一點?吃小一點?吃出新常態?”。跟以往一樣,所有團員立馬熱烈擁護,以N比0的投票通過,並責成高大上選主題。高大上遵循中體西用的團規,先從老祖宗處找思想的火花:廣東人最會吃,“頂傻”(Dim Sum)小吃最有名;這邊火花還沒滅,突然看見兩西班牙的帥哥美女,又閃了另一火花:不知能不能綜合一下,要不來一個西式的頂傻。
Prosciutto melon - by 賽東施
意大利節日麵包 - by 賽東施
Shrimp Quesadilla - by 賽東施
Salmon cake - by 賽東施
Fish Taco By:happy0616
Salmon 烤熟,搗碎,加入青椒、洋蔥、西紅柿碎,調入鹽、黑胡椒和lime juice拌勻。
Deviled eggs By:salmon-lover
Calamari BY: happy0616
Black Bean Salsa BY: happy0616
培根烤帶子 by pino
Cranberry cream cheese pinwheels - by 賽東坡
shrimp tostada bites By:salmon-lover
小甜椒釀生魚 by pino
金槍魚切小粒, 拌鹽,黑胡椒和橄欖油,放入冰箱冷藏
蘑菇薄餅 BY:遊走四方的魚
法式薄餅 BY:遊走四方的魚
Sweet Potato Squares With Saugage - by 紅模仿
2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 32 (1-inch) cubes, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 pound spicy smoked sausage, cut into 32 (1/2-inch) pieces, wooden picks
1. Preheat oven to 450°. Place sweet potato cubes on a lightly greased 15- x 10-inch jelly-roll pan. Drizzle potatoes with 2 Tbsp. oil, and sprinkle with pepper and salt. Toss to coat.
2. Bake at 450° for 15 to 20 minutes, turning cubes twice.
3. Cook sausage in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat 3 to 4 minutes on each side or until browned. Drain on paper towels.
4. Place 1 sausage slice on top of 1 sweet potato cube; secure with a wooden pick. Repeat with remaining sausage slices and potato cubes.
Crab cake - by 賽東施
Salmon cake - by 賽東施
bacon shrimp with asparagus by smilley
迷你三明治 - by 紅模仿
這是N年前看到蜜三刀的方子。 很簡單: 把麵包, lettuce, 熟雞蛋片, smoked salmon 按順序放好, 最上麵放個caper, 用牙簽固定就好了。
Tuna Poke by pino
Raosted veg salad by 賽東坡
Gold Potato with cheddar cheese By: little_lucky
Pinchitos Morunos - by 紅模仿
cut chichen by cubes. Skewer the chicken cubes, 3-4 cubes to a small stick, and marinate them in a shallow dish with the herbs (pinchito spice, coriander, paprika, and thyme), turning so they are well coated. Leave at least a couple of hours.Spread the pinchitos out well on a barbecue or on foil under a grill. Cook them under a high heat for about 3 minutes on each side.
Cajun Salmon By: little_lucky
牛肉丸子 By:遊走四方的魚
spinach quiche By little_lucky
蘑菇雞丁生菜包 By:遊走四方的魚
Red Lobster Biscuits - by Smiley
Smiley的兒子自從吃了Red Lobster的小麵包,就不可救藥的要吃它。於是無所不能的Smiley回家就給他們做了,正好帶來同小盆友們一起分享。
羅宋湯 - by賽東坡
南瓜濃湯 BY:遊走四方的魚
做法:butternut squash去皮切成小塊先加水煮熟,然後用機器打成液體,倒回鍋中加入雞湯熬煮,加鹽和奶油(heavy cream)調味就好了。
Passion Fruit (百香果)慕斯 by smille
把wipe cream打發,加入百香果濃縮的果汁,用擠花袋擠入杯子,點綴上芒果即可。
綠茶慕斯蛋糕 BY:遊走四方的魚
酥皮點心 By:遊走四方的魚
馬卡龍 By:遊走四方的魚