
飯麵全戒先行者 快樂逍搖任我......


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 多謝各位建議。 剛才把又腫又紅又痛的大腳趾放進冷水裏泡了五分鍾,立馬舒服。 看看能舒服多長時間? -GuestNewBoy- ♂  [給 GuestNewBoy 發送悄悄話]   [GuestNewBoy 的博客首頁]  (0 bytes) (10 reads) 03/19/2024 postreply 18:50:49


• 冷水泡足幾分鍾可以立即止痛並使之持續舒服3-4小時,也用軟冰袋試了一下,遠沒有泡冷水給力;因為冷水是全方位對足部降溫效果立杆見影。泡冷水後足麵 輕輕擦幹,患關節周圍皮膚塗上凡士林一層保護,穿寬鬆棉襪,穿鞋將痛關節鞋麵剪開以避開出門穿鞋時對痛關節的摩擦擠壓;而在家則僅穿軟襪子或者加穿旅館那種紙做的一次性拖鞋。吃食物後吃1-2顆ibuprofen (200-400mg)每天3-4是有效的消炎止痛且明顯促進好轉,固而是必須的。 大量喝水有空就喝水。停止工作專門休息。 睡眠時患足放軟枕頭上促進消腫。睡眠一覺醒來發現己經大有好轉可見睡覺也是促進恢複重要手段。 吃的我將吃肉減少到以前的二分之一到三分之一,以雞魚肉雞蛋包括蛋白蛋黃豆付夏威夷果之類都吃也沒加重病情。 當然疏菜瓜果照吃無慮也不見有不好的影響,我照常享用。




 -GuestNewBoy- ♂ 

Dr. Gustavo Campos
Doctor of Medicine · 9 years of experience · Flag image of Brazil Brazil

Anti-inflammatory medications can be used to treat acute gout flare-ups. Serum urate-lowering treatment can be applied to prevent recurrences. Additionally, it's critical to encourage dietary changes, including reducing consumption of alcohol and animal proteins high in purines.

Dr. Christa Kingston
Doctor of Medicine (MD) · 9 years of experience · Flag image of India India

Gout is a form of arthritis which is painful. Treatment for gout includes immediate pain relieving measures by taking anti-inflammatory medicines and prevention of future painful episodes. Future flares can be minimized by modifying the lifestyle and diet patterns, such as reducing the intake of red meat, losing weight and reducing alcohol intake.

Dr. Marcelle Freire
Doctor of Medicine · 3 years of experience · Flag image of Brazil Brazil

Gouty arthritis, or simply gout, is a crystal deposition arthropathy, that is, a type of arthritis secondary to the accumulation of monosodium urate crystals in the joints. Patients with gout usually have high concentrations of uric acid in their blood, although gouty arthritis only occurs when this uric acid is deposited in the form of crystals in the joints; therefore, it is important to note that not every patient who has elevated uric acid will necessarily develop gout. Acutely, gouty crises usually present with pain, inflammation and limited mobility of the affected joints. Acute treatment consists of the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, both steroidal and non-steroidal. Chronic treatment of the condition, to prevent the recurrence of attacks, consists of lifestyle changes (avoiding foods high in purines and saturated fats) and the use of medications that reduce uric acid concentrations in the blood, such as, for example, allopurinol.

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Q. What is the most misunderstood thing about gout?

Dr. Alex T. Thomas
MD · 40 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA

Hyperuricemia/disease of gout is caused by deposition of uric acid in and around the joints. It is wrong to say that it is the ideal attacks of gout because gout attacks are symptoms of the disease.

Dr. Ilya Aleksandrovskiy
M.D., MBA · 5 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA

Gout is misunderstood as a disease of obese or overweight people, but it can affect anyone.

Dr. Ipsa Arora
MD (Internal Medicine) · 5 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA

Pseudogout is the most misunderstood thing about gout. It is a type of arthritis caused by calcium crystal deposits (its medical term is calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate crystal deposition disease or CPPD). The knees and wrists are often affected. The damaged joints generally are swollen, warm, and very painful during a pseudogout attack. The occurrence of dehydrate crystals in the afflicted joint is related to calcium pyrophosphate.

Answers from other countries/regions

Disclaimer:  For informational purposes only. Health advice can vary across countries and regions. Use discretion or consult a local health professional.

Dr. Shobha S Reddy
MBBS, Masters in Diabetology, General Practitioner & Diabetologist · 15 years of experience · Flag image of India India

Gout is a disease in which uric acid levels are elevated in the blood that gets accumulated in the joints and causes inflammation. It presents with symptoms like sudden severe attacks of joint pain and swelling, redness and tenderness in one or more joints, most often great toe. It is so severe that it might wake you in the night. Uric acid in our body is produced when purines are broken down in our body. Purines are also found in red meat, organ meats like liver, seafood like tuna, scallops, mussels. Beer and sweetened fruit sugar (fructose) are known to increase uric acid levels. Certain diseases and medications like thiazide diuretics increase uric acid levels. Usually, excess uric acid is dissolved in blood removed through the kidneys. But in Gout uric acid is either not removed by the kidneys or excess uric acid is produced. This forms shard needle-like crystals in the joints, leading to pain, swelling, and inflammation. The most misunderstood thing about gout is that hyperuricemia (elevated uric acid levels in the blood) does not always cause gout.

Dr. Gustavo Campos
Doctor of Medicine · 9 years of experience · Flag image of Brazil Brazil

The most common misconception about gout is that it only affects the big toe. People may be unaware that, while the big toe is the most commonly involved site, other locations such as the instep, ankle, wrist, fingers, and knees can also be affected.

Dr. Saria Mahveen Shareef
MBBS, PGDCC, Spl Cardiology · 6 years of experience · Flag image of India India

Gout refers to a disease that occurs in response it the presence of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in joints, bones, and soft tissues. The most misunderstood thing about gout is that people think hyperuricemia, the deposition of uric acid deposits in and around joints is the sole reason for causing gout attacks. The gout attacks are usually the symptoms of the disease; hence, the symptoms should be treated first and the disease should be treated as well. And few other myths/misunderstandings about this disease are; gout only affects men where in-fact it affects both men and women, a poor diet can cause gout, gout only affects big toe where in-fact it can affect knees, joints, and elbows.

Dr. Marcelle Freire
Doctor of Medicine · 3 years of experience · Flag image of Brazil Brazil

Gouty arthritis, or simply gout, is a crystal deposition arthropathy, that is, a type of arthritis secondary to the accumulation of monosodium urate crystals in the joints. Patients with gout usually have high concentrations of uric acid in the blood, but gouty arthritis does not occur only because of this increase, but when this uric acid is deposited in the form of crystals in the joints. Many patients, however, do not understand that gout is not just an increase in uric acid in the blood, but a complex disease in which metabolism, genetic factors and lifestyle interact so that this excess uric acid is deposited in the form of crystals in the joints. That's why some precipitating factors can trigger crises and also why not every patient who has high uric acid will necessarily develop gout.


Q. What are the implications of having gout?

Dr. Alex T. Thomas
MD · 40 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA

Flares of arthritis that recur are the most common implication of having gout. Other long-term effects include; Joint damage, kidney injury/stones and uric acid skin nodules.

Dr. Ilya Aleksandrovskiy
M.D., MBA · 5 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA

Tophi is an implication of having gout. Tophi are chunks of uric acid crystals that accumulate in and around joints.

Dr. Ipsa Arora
MD (Internal Medicine) · 5 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA

The most frequent long-term implication is recurring flares of arthritis. Gout can cause joint damage, uric acid nodules on the skin, and kidney harm and/or stones in the long run.

Answers from other countries/regions

Disclaimer:  For informational purposes only. Health advice can vary across countries and regions. Use discretion or consult a local health professional.

Dr. Marcella Abunahman Pereira
Specialization in Clinical Cardiology · 12 years of experience · Flag image of Brazil Brazil

Gout occurs when uric acid accumulates in your joint, causing inflammation and intense pain. Factors that increase the uric acid level in your body include eating a diet rich in red meat, shellfish, drinking beverages sweetened with fruit sugar (frutose) and alcohol consumption especially beer, being overweight, certain medications that increase uric acid in the body and family history of gout.

Dr. Sai Kiran Kumar K
MBBS, MD · 9 years of experience · Flag image of India India

Gout can affect any joint. But most commonly affected one is the big toe. Other most common affected joints with the gout include knees and elbows. Wrist, fingers and ankles are also affected. Pain will be more severe in the initial first 12 hours after it begins.

Dr. Gustavo Campos
Doctor of Medicine · 9 years of experience · Flag image of Brazil Brazil

Gout can cause severe arthritis and lasting joint damage. People may also have other serious diseases such as diabetes, kidney stones, or heart problems.

Dr. Mukhtadir Yakub
MBBS, · 5.5 years of experience · Flag image of India India

Implications of having gout comprise joint pain, redness and swelling especially knees, ankles, toes and fingers. Sometimes patients might experience intense pain in such joints known as gout attacks. Other than joint pain, patients might get nodules under the skin called tophi which are nothing but large visible bumps made of urate crystals. Long term implications include joint stiffness and eventually physical deformity.

Dr. Rajesh Mishra
MBBS · Less than a year of experience · Flag image of India India

Gout is a common and complex form of arthritis that can affect anyone. It's characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, swelling. Redness and tenderness in one or more joints. Most often in the big toe. 06-.

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Q. What is the best way to cure gout?

Dr. Alex T. Thomas
MD · 40 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA

There are a few steps which can assist us to deal with painful gout attacks; 1.Take an NSAID (however now no longer aspirin) Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which include ibuprofen or naproxen, can assist relieve gout pain. 2.Take your prescription drugs. 3.Apply ice to the joint. 4.Elevate the joint. 5. Take it easy. 6.Stay hydrated.

Dr. Mohan P. Abraham
M.D., FAAFP (Family Physician) · 40 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA

Treatment involves medication and life style changes.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Corticosteroid, Anti-gout agents, and Xanthine Oxidase inhibitors. Appling ice packs and keeping the legs in an elevated position may provide some relief.

Dr. Ilya Aleksandrovskiy
M.D., MBA · 5 years of experience · Flag image of USA USA

Relax and keep your body calm. Take proper medication. For some people, an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen may be helpful but read the package insert carefully or discuss it with the pharmacist. Ice the affected area and elevate the joint.


Q. What should people with gout avoid consuming?


Disclaimer:  For informational purposes only. Health advice can vary across countries and regions. Use discretion or consult a local health professional.

Dr. Sai Kiran Kumar K
MBBS, MD · 9 years of experience · Flag image of India India

People with gout should avoid consuming food that contain high nitrogen content like red meat, pork, Lamb etc. Avoid consuming organ meat such as kidney, liver etc. Avoid consuming seafood like shellfish- lobster, mussels, sardines etc. Avoiding beer, whiskey, vodka etc.

Dr. Sandeep Kumar Reddy Mallela
MBBS BMB Pediatrics persevering · 2 years of experience · Flag image of India India

Gout is a painful form of arthritis that occurs when high levels of uric acid in the blood cause crystals to form and accumulate in and around a joint. Uric acid is produced, when the body breakdowns a chemical called purine. Purine occurs naturally in our body, but it is also found in certain food. A gout diet may help in decreasing uric acid levels in the blood, but it is not a cure. It only lowers the risk of recurring gout attacks and slow down the progression of joint damage. Avoid red meat and organ meat, which have high purine levels and contribute to high blood levels of uric acid. Some types of seafood such as anchovies, shellfish, sardines, mussels, herring and trout are high in purines than other types of fish, so avoid eating them. But, the overall health benefits of eating fish, may outweigh the risks of people with gout, so moderate portions of fish can be a part of a gout diet. Studies have shown that high purine containing vegetables, such as asparagus and spinach wouldn't increase the risk of gout or recurring gout attacks. Alcohol like beer and distilled liquors are associated with an increased risk of gout and recurring attacks, but moderate consumption of wine doesn't appear to increase the risk of gout attacks. Avoid alcohol during gout attacks, and limit alcohol, especially beer, between the attacks. Limit or avoid sugar-sweetened food such as sweetened cereals, bakery goods and candies. Limit consumption of highly processed food and beverages and food high in refined carbohydrates. Certain yeasts and yeast extracts are high in purines, so they should be avoided in gout.

Dr. Umesh Deshmukh
MBBS · 1 years of experience · Flag image of India India

Gout is a complex type of arthritis. It is caused by deposition of crystals of uric acid in a joint. Uric acid is formed when purines breakdown. So protein-rich food must be avoided. Decrease the consumption of seafood and red meat. Avoid alcohol. Avoid sweetened beverages.

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