不想節食,但還想長壽?;-) 喝紅酒吧!
Food for
Published: November 23, 2003
IN his quest to reach the age of 143, Michael A. Sherman is making his peace with doughnuts. Renouncing potato skins and chocolate-chip pancakes was no problem, but he just hasn't found a substitute for a glazed, oven-warm bear claw oozing with apple filling. ''I love them, but the larger specimens of that species can approach 1,000 calories,'' he said a few weeks before Thanksgiving, a holiday he can't get overly excited about. ''That's almost as much as I allow myself in a whole day.''
To say Mr. Sherman is on a diet is to say NASA's Voyager spacecraft, still twinkling at the far edge of our solar system, is on a Sunday drive. Six years ago, Mr. Sherman put himself on the most brutal calorie-reduction plan imaginable. Not that he was especially overweight at 5-foot-5 and 145 pounds. But by switching from pizza and chips to flaxseed, brewer's yeast and sprouts, he whittled his daily caloric intake to less than 1,600, and dropped his weight precipitously, dumbfounding his friends and family.
''Here was a one-time competitive power-lifter who looked to me like a concentration camp refugee,'' said his wife, Kathy, who almost divorced him because of it. In those first two years, Mr. Sherman's libido disappeared, he was cranky, cold and flatulent all the time, and people suspected he had cancer or AIDS. ''Michael's skin hung off his body like you see on old men,'' she said.
Paradoxically, old age was exactly what Mr. Sherman was shooting for. After reading that drastic calorie restriction slows the aging process in laboratory animals, he vowed to starve himself to stretch out his golden years into the 22nd century. If mice, geese and guppies could extend their life span 40 to 50 percent by eating 40 percent less than they wanted, why couldn't he?
''I'm definitely not one of these guys who says, 'Ooo, 18 more years and I can retire,' '' said Mr. Sherman, 46, who runs a biotech company in
Advocates of the strategy, known as calorie restriction, or C.R., insist they're not dieting to get skinny but rather to have the last laugh. Eat smart enough, they say, and you can live to see great-great-grandchildren, not to mention postpone the onset of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and kidney failure.
''Aging is a horror and it's got to stop right now,'' said Michael Rae, a vitamin researcher from
In a society obsessed with dieting, in which fads increasingly have the power to reshape the eating habits of millions -- the Atkins diet, the
Researchers have known about the Methuselahan powers of eating less since the 1930's, when a