
The Best Dating Tips from Mom zt

(2011-07-27 10:45:13) 下一個
Before the Internet...Before you ever got your hands on a self-help book...Before Oprah or Dr. Phil...there was MOM.That's right - for many of us, the very first lessons we everlearned about love were from our mothers.And since Sunday is Mother's Day, So let the collective wisdom of mothers everywheredo the talking!THE BEST DATING ADVICE I EVER GOTFROM MY MOM"Date a man who worships you."-Lesley,Bergen Co., NJ* * * * * *"My mother told me that dating was a numbers game. If I go up to100 girls and ask them out, 99 might say no, but one will say yesand it's all worth it."-MikePort Washington, NY* * * * * *"My Mom used to say 'don't date anyone you wouldn't considermarrying.' In other words, be careful who you agree to go on a datewith, you might just end up falling for him! She also said 'Don't settle. You will have to kiss a lot of frogsin order to find your prince!' (Though I'm not sure she wasencouraging all the kissing!) When I had relationships that ended,she encouraged me to see the positive side and know that I was thatmuch closer to finding my prince!There's just one thing... I married my prince, but nobody told meI'd have to wash his clothes and listen to his snoring all night!!UGGHH!!"- LizDurham, NC* * * * * *"My mom said, 'Don't use sex to get love, because some men will uselove to get sex.''If you still have doubts a year into a relationship, it's a sign ofthings to come.' (In other words, cut your losses and get out.)Most of all, 'the purpose of dating (just dating) is to find outwhat you DON'T want in a guy. Your taste becomes more defined asyou swim along in the dating pool.'"-AmyChantilly, VA* * * * * *"My mom has given me tons of great advice over the years. I have tosay that there is one I like the best though.She told me that she (playfully) reminded my dad every day howlucky he was to have her for his wife. Also she took a few minutesto make sure she looked nice when he got home from work.The power a positive attitude, as well as a little self-promotion,goes a long way!"-Karyn,Avon Lake, OH* * * * * *"If you think you are going to be able to change your significantother, change your own mindset. (Ladies, you'll be lucky if youcan just get him to clip his nails or buy new underwear to replacethe ones with holes in it.)Sometimes you need to be single to remind yourself of who you are.Nothing is easy in life. If you aren't willing to work at arelationship, you will never have one that lasts.If it's so hard that you need couples counseling while still dating,don't plan on this going the distance.You're not always going to be right. But if you're always wrong,you're either with the wrong person or you need to understand thebasic concepts of life.Figure out if it's Love or Lust. If you two can't stay togetherwithout sex for an extended period of time (several months) it'sprobably lust.Don't combine bank accounts or purchase a home together until youare actually married.Make sure if you're been dating a while, that the two of you knowwhere you are in the relationship. Are you thinking marriage andthey're thinking next great vacation (or vice versa)?Communication is important because if you don't communicate, youmay get annoyed that your significant other isn't reading yourthoughts and that's just plain crazy."-Jason,Washington, DC* * * * * *"My Mom always told me that I should picky, but not too picky."- JulieNew York, NY* * * * * *"My mother told me dating was stressful and to make sure Iwore deodorant."-JohnLos Angeles, CA
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