2018 (2)
但是對於DUST的操作上,可以趨於保守。金價盤前跌破1220元的強支撐,達1215元,可以乘高賣出70% 的DUST,大約在17.5-18.5元分批賣出。任何下跌至15-16元之間時,可以買進補回。黃金向下趨勢已成,雖然會有幾次反彈,隻要在1235-1240元以下,就不用擔心。金礦股指數GDX應該繼續下跌。目前的價位還是反映金價在1260-1300區間的價位。
如果不知道基本麵,不明白虛實,很容易被這種突然暴起的漲勢嚇倒,以為突然發生什麽事故,比如像幾周前在Pittsburg的天然氣管線爆炸引起天然氣價格暴漲一樣。從5份鍾圖形看,幅度大的漲或跌,都是主力金主(MM)在炒作。是某個MM下一個大的market order 掃單。如果是上漲,就是把所有在不同價位等待要賣的單子全買了。由於在很短的時間,上漲的幅度大,通常會觸發期貨散戶的停損點,自動平倉造成連鎖反應,讓漲勢更大。若是沒有後續的繼續炒高動作,那麽MM這樣的掃貨動作是一個突擊的動作,為了觸發散戶的預設停損,而自己在更高的價位賣出,吃散戶的倉位。通常這樣突擊行動會發生在交易量比較少的時候,比如開盤後半個小時內,或收盤前的一個小時到15分鍾前。因為交易量小,所需要砸的金額就不需要太大,就可以造成很大的漲/跌幅。
昨天收盤前,1:50-2:15PM,天然氣期貨業突然暴升,從下跌約1.8%變成漲0.5%, 然後從2:16-2:33PM,又跌回去,回到下跌1.5%到1.8%的價位。今早東部8:15AM,7月份的天然氣期貨的價位在2.096附近,突然在30分鍾內反彈到2.16,這幅度相當於3.05%。對期貨來說,是相當的大。若是以規定的10%(10倍杠杆)持倉位,3%的價格變化就相當於33%的虧盈了!所以有許多炒期貨的散戶,通常會設停損點在約1%。這些散戶會因為這麽大的波動而被迫停損買進,而搞突擊的MM會在預設的2.5%到3% 的價位上分批賣出獲利,即使最後因賣出把價位壓下,還剩一些沒獲利或賠錢的,總體上還是獲利。
1。Henry Hub的現貨天然氣昨天繼續下跌,從1.77元/MBTU跌至1.75元/MBTU。
2。昨天6月份期貨到期收盤價為1.92元/MBTU。7月份的期貨因Contango價位高出6月份0。2元(以2.12算),相當於10%。 與現貨價差超過21%。 也就是若有人在現貨市場買進天然氣,租用儲存空間,大約一個月的租金為0.05元/MBTU,需要存兩個月。在期貨市場賣出7月份期貨合約,到時候交割是會有約14%的盈利的。所以期貨的價位應該向下修正。
3。下周的報告是利空。需求量減少了3.6%,而供應量隻減少了約0.4%。 所以下周四的報告庫存增幅會在78-92BCF之間。
回複 '等待是金' 的評論 : 天然氣的操作也應該改為保守一些,因為看到MM多次這樣突擊。未來一周內DGAZ逢跌3%-5%時買進,從買價漲了7%-10%時,最好賣出70%。像今早開盤前有到18元以上,是可以賣出的機會。
回複 '無彈窗' 的評論 : Rig Count俺覺得會繼續減少,特別是最近有幾個中型的產油商宣布破產,在這種傾向之下,要增加鑽油台不容易。原油俺覺得不用擔心,特別是最近來回波動,有漲有跌的情況,這其實對原油持續上漲有幫助,不易產生過度超買的情形。緩慢的上漲才能夠走得遠!
Last two month, when WTI price up, nature gas price did not follow up. The main reason is not fundamental as you think. The reason for hedge fund to hold down the nature gas price is because they long the bond for many nature gas company during the bankruptcy bargin stage. They hold down nature gas price, so they can gain maximum share of company after bankruptcy re-emergcy. Company like Line, SOC, BBEP, and many other all file nature gas heavy company. They try to get CHK as well. Seems CHK escaped that
May 9, 2016 4:38 AM ET|16 comments | About: The United States Natural Gas ETF, LP (UNG), UGAZ, DGAZ, BOIL, GAZ, KOLD, UNL, DCNG
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Natural gas has been known as the widow-maker trade for good reason, it rarely pays to go long.
David Einhorn has a great long-term track record, but an abysmal short-term one. We think the long-term track record is the indicative one.
Einhorn just released his Q1 2016 investor letter which revealed that he has gone long natural gas and exactly why he did that. To us, his reasoning seems sound.
David Einhorn has a terrific long-term track record. His short-term performance has been abysmal.
In 2015, his Greenlight Capital Partners Fund suffered a decline of 20%. That is nearly 40% worse than Greenlight's long-term average annual gain over the past 20 years.
Some of the mistakes that Einhorn made in 2015 can't simply be chalked up to the stock market misunderstanding his companies. He has made some mistakes.
In particular, he picked a real stinker when he made SunEdison (OTCPK:SUNEQ) one of his positions. That stock didn't underperform - the company went bankrupt. That was a terrible decision, but over a 20-year run at Greenlight, the errors have been few and far between.
We believe the long-term track record and process at Greenlight to be more representative of Einhorn's ability than one (albeit major) mistake.
In Greenlight's first-quarter 2016 investor letter, Einhorn revealed a new position that we found particularly interesting. We attribute that partially to our contrarian nature, but also to the fact that we have seen other astute investors poking around the same idea. We think it is worth exploring further.
Einhorn's new position is a long macro call on natural gas, specifically the 2017 and 2018 calendar strips at an average price of $2.71 and $2.84 respectively. If natural gas (NYSEARCA:UNG) prices end up being on average above those two price points for 2017 and 2018, Greenlight is going to make his investors some money.
Why Natural Gas Now?
Einhorn states his thinking behind his bullish bet on natural gas in a few points. We think he makes a compelling case.
#1 - Natural gas prices aren't high enough to justify drilling
Einhorn believes that natural gas prices are simply too low for companies to turn profit drilling new natural gas wells. From everything that we have read, we think that Einhorn is right. At current natural gas prices, none of the shale gas plays even breakeven. It makes no sense to drill shale wells today.
Source: Cabot Oil & Gas (NYSE:COG) Presentation
#2 - The industry has actually responded with a huge reduction in drilling
Just because something doesn't make any sense doesn't mean that people aren't going to do it. An examination of the current level of drilling for natural gas in the United States though does confirm that the amount of drilling has plummeted.
Since just the end of 2015, natural gas rigs in operation have been cut in half. That should start showing up in production levels in 2016.
#3 - As existing wells deplete, supplies should fall
While shale gas production has turned this industry upside down, it does have its drawbacks. Perhaps, the biggest one being the incredibly high rate that production from shale wells declines in its early years.
Source: Penn State
A typical shale gas well will see its daily rate of production decline by 60% to 70% in the first year. In the second year, another 30% decline is the norm. If the industry isn't continuously drilling, production is going to fall. As we know from the rig count, there is a lot less drilling going on.
#4 - Excess inventory is just 2% of annual production, which is already declining
As Einhorn points out, the inventory overhang of excess natural gas does not amount to a major amount of annual production. Should production growth stall, natural gas demand growth would eat away that excess inventory.
If production actually not just stop growing, but fall while demand grows, then this market would tighten in a hurry. As we can see in the chart below, production in 2016 has finally started to fall.
Source: EIA
A Natural Gas Shortage Within A Year
As a result of his analysis on natural gas, Einhorn has taken a long position targeted at both 2017 and 2018. He believes that normal weather combined with what he expects production to do will lead to a natural gas shortage within a year. That would make now the perfect time to be targeting natural gas related opportunities.
We like Einhorn's natural gas view. Weather is a huge influence on this commodity though, so we would prefer to play it in a manner that can let us be wrong about the exact timing of the turn higher in natural gas prices.
As investors, we always want time to be on our side.
Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
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回複 '鍾小麥' 的評論 :
天然氣要到2.4? 出什麽事了? 又有山火, 管道爆炸?
還有我,一直沒有敢買UGAZ,就等著大跌呢,不是說儲量超過曆史記錄了嗎。 可能有啥變動了,我看老外在討論明天應該到2.40 ,我了個去。 我DGAZ @16.5呢, 不知道加不加倉。
他幾天前說了,dgaz 最多中上周會下調到14.5,目前不知道什麽變故,已經跌破14.00了。 相信很多人都急切地盼著雅閣出來解惑。
如果不是,真的不埋怨雅閣,個人的決定。 大不了就砸手裏,多等一段時間。目前隻不過把最近兩個月多利潤折進去罷了。
俺的博客被俺關了。 俺比較懶, 炒股都沒時間, 博客更沒時間去打理了。
因該在股海任俺行裏麵。 你可以到裏麵去翻翻。嗬嗬嗬
你的UWTI上的倉位俺是不敢搞的。 嗬嗬嗬。 俺一般都是幾百s.
還有機會 2016-05-27 13:23:42 回複 悄悄話 回複 '天堂的月光' 的評論 : 我們剛開始在DGAZ上犯了類似的錯。自己檢討了很多(無彈窗的博客上有記錄)。吸取教訓吧。
自從俺深刻自我反省後, 現在3倍基本是賺的多, 虧的少。 虧的大部分還是在UVXY上。 所以俺準備和UVXY拜拜。 這個預測恐慌情緒俺搞不定, 每次買入UVXY給俺帶來的都是恐慌。 嗬嗬嗬。 俺以後準備TRY在UVXY漲起來的時候去SHORT它, 這樣買入的就是希望了。 哈哈哈哈。
剛開始是想試試, 後來看到往下掉得快, 就想一路加倉把價格減下來, 減少損失, 結果都被拖下水,全軍覆沒。 沒料到連漲一星期。
俺準備把UVXY抱著過周末, 下次記住一點, 千萬千萬不要滿倉或重倉做3倍。 在想到你可以賺多少錢之前要先考慮好你能承受多少虧損。 嗬嗬
如果大盤是小漲或小跌的話, UVXY 還是會繼續下跌。
雅歌1: 下周一放假,周二是5/31日,若是大盤要下跌,就是這一天。6/1-6/3日是月初401K的新資金入場時,很可能會上漲。也許今天和下周二若是不跌,就要把UVXY割了,轉為買SVXY。
Thank you Yage. Now Yellen's speech is out. If 5/31 大盤要下跌 really happens, do you think 大盤 will changes its course and keeps going down for a little while? if not, we should take this last chance to get out of UVXY. What price do you think to aim for, still $14? My UVXY is @14.5, I will be more than happy just to get out even if possible.
If UVXY keeps going lower on 5/31, will UVXY come back up someday or it will go to zero? My position is not that heavy anyway.
我今天是否要割掉一部分? 等它再降的時候再加回去, 把價格拉下來點。 可現在又跌到 11.10左右了。
俺倉位不大,先留著。 實在不行, 等底部加3倍倉然後搶反彈。
好, 握到下星期二。
今天UVXY 還是沒有漲? 繼續拿到下個星期?
若經濟、就業市場持續改善,聯儲徐緩而謹慎地加息是適宜的。 她一向如此。
俺有個問題, 可能有點傻。
多出來沒地方的氣可以燒掉或排掉嗎? 嗬嗬
利多油 空氣?
Prior Actual
N. Amer. Rig Count 448 447
U.S. 404 404
Gulf of Mexico 23 23
Canada 44 43
U.S. rig doesn't change.
supply demand weekly
May 13, 2016 73 80.2 65.9 100.1
May 20, 2016 71 79.6 63.7 111.3
choose sell ,
order type choose trailing stop loss($)
trail amount $ put 0.5 $ .
choose sell ,
order type choose trailing stop loss(%)
trail amount % put 1 %.
順便打個廣告。 歡迎你來 股海任俺行 群來逛逛。 那裏啥菜鳥問題都行。 俺們一般在雅歌博文裏盡量問最關鍵的問題或一些操作上的建議來。 嗬嗬。 這樣雅歌兄和大家看起來都方便些。
sorry, 俺字打錯了, 被。 嗬嗬。 。
trailing stop loss.
choose % or $.
多謝回複。 另俺80%的DUST 剛才自動追蹤訂單倍激發, 17.66賣出。 成功獲利脫出。剩下20%觀望。 非常讚同雅歌兄在目前黃金下跌時的DUST謹慎操作想法。 俺等黃金反彈後會繼續高空。
非常讚同對DGAZ的保守操作。 昨天進的DGAZ昨天高位已賣出獲利。 多謝。
另下午RING COUNT的報告不知如何, 俺擔心會利空油。 UWTI需要設自動賣單來獲利保護嗎?
多謝及時提醒。 俺已設好DUST自動追蹤訂單, 80%倉位。
@13.5 大家一起等吧,不行就割了。 心情不太好。
俺有一點13的, 早上又買一點11, 拉倒12。 等機會跑掉。 不過俺倉位很小, 5%。
2月時, Suxy 輸太多, 這回輸不起了。 這個跌起來,就像無底洞似的。 有你們的鼓勵, 就繼續死撐吧。別像SUXY 一樣, 跌到最低時, 割了。
我以後再不敢買Suvy, uvxy了, 2月大跌時撿SuXY, 從49 撿到 30, 撐不住了, 在30左右徹底割了,沒有聽雅歌的話撐下來, 賬戶損失大半。 這回,看見UVXY 這麽便宜, 開始也沒多想, 就順手撈了點, 結果後來就杠上了, 越跌越撿, 恐怕這回又要把賬戶所剩的錢損失大半, 就沒有錢炒股了。
滿倉, 從13.10開始, 越降越不服氣,一直撿, 均價 12.60. 知道這個東西危險, 一直沒敢買過這個, 這次給杠上了。
我這回死撐,慘了。 股市大漲, 加息好, 經濟好, 全球的錢都往美國跑, 脹死。
俺剛才看到UVXY 11.0x, 嗬嗬, 順手買了一點。
快受不了了, UVXY 還在跌!