
Easter - The Origin

(2010-07-23 22:38:47) 下一個
Easter is a Christian countries’ religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Jesus was crucified at Calvary 3 days ago – Christians’ Good Friday.

It is the first Sunday following the full moon which occurs or after the spring equinox (March 21st), not the first Sunday of April.

Easter has two origins: Christian Origin:

Easter day is the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Jesus was crucified at Calvary 3 days ago (now Christian holiday Good Friday).

The timing of the Christian celebration of Easter is linked to Jewish celebration of the Passover (Pasach, Europeans’ name of Easter is also Pasch derived from Pasach). Passover is to commemorate the Exodus of Jewish people from Egypt after generations of slavery. Passover was observed by the ancient Israelites early in each new Year. The Jewish people followed the Persian/Babylonian calendar and started each year with the spring equinox.

The early Christians, many of whom were of Jewish origin, were brought up by the Hebrew tradition and regarded Easter as a new feature of the Passover festival.

Easter has two origins: Pagan (non Christian) Origin:

The name “Easter” is believed originated from the name of ancient goddess of Saxon people (Germanic tribal group that inhabited northern Germany and invaded Britain in the fifth ad sixth centuries A.D.). It signifies spring and fertility (egg and bunny). The pagan festival was celebrated on the day of the equinox.

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