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(2010-10-25 20:44:53) 下一個
布什總統執政時(2001, 2003)生效的減稅法, 到今年年底過期, 對於好多中國留學生雙職工家庭, 稅率可能會增加. 以下是網上的算法. 未經查對, 不知是否準確. The following article is from Foxnews, a pro-GOP web site.

For the family of four bringing in a combined income of $75,000, theexpiration of all Bush-era tax cuts will amount to a tax increase of$2,143 next year, according to the Tax Foundation's 2011 Income Tax Calculator.

A family of four earning $150,000 would see its income tax burdenincrease by $4,510 to $23,150, according to the Tax Foundation.

Single filers, meanwhile, would see their taxes rise by $605 at the$50,000 income plateau and by $1,355 at $75,000. A single filer earning$150,000, including $15,000 in long-term capital gains, would pay anextra $3,269, with a total tax liability of $28,340.

A single parent of one child earning $25,000 would see his taxliability rise by $955, decreasing his tax refund of $1,856 to justmore than $900. A low-income family of five earning a total of $45,000would see their taxes increase by $2,538, equating to a total taxliability of $1,028.

An upper-middle income family of four with two earners pulling in$150,000, including $15,000 in long-term capital gains, would see theirtaxes increase by $3,802.  That family's total tax burden? Roughly$21,600.

A high-income family of four, meanwhile, with a combined income of$300,000 and $20,000 in itemized deductions, would see their taxes jumpby more than $11,000 if Congress allows all of the Bush-era tax cuts toexpire. That equals a total tax liability of $68,392.

我聽一位同事說, capital gain 肯定要漲。 從現在的15% 漲到20%。 更可怕的是把Capital gain 當成正當收入打稅, 那可能要交40% (not very likely to pass the law for high income earner).

民主黨受工會支持, 富人稅率較高 (富人在 top 10% income). Top 10% income earners 交的稅占稅收總收入35% 以上. 國庫稅收用於教育, 基礎研究, 社會福利. 據美國人(學政治)分析, 好多voters對經濟現狀不滿,很可能在中期選舉選出受GOP控製的眾議院(House of Congress), GOP增加35 to 40 seats, 即GOP成為多數控製眾議院. 現在GOP 有178 seats, 再加上40 seats, 就有218 seats (Hose 總共435 seat). 在參議院(Senate), GOP也可能增加 5-9 seats, 占46 to 50 席位. (現在GOP 有41 seats). 美國選民都希望政府有權力製衡, 這種選舉結果可能給Obama總統製造一些Challenge. 民主黨想增稅的法案就不太容易通過. (這幾年房產稅漲了, sale tax 也漲了, 水電費漲了. 唯一沒漲的是電器. 42"的彩電從$1500 降到$800,  手提電腦從上千降到$500. 這都得感謝中國製造). 不管中期選舉結果如何, 希望明年稅不要漲太多.

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雙峰 回複 悄悄話 Senate showdown may pave way for year-end tax deal
AP Special Correspondent David Espo, Ap Special Correspondent 12 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Senate Republicans derailed legislation Saturday to extend expiring tax cuts at all but the highest income levels in a political showdown that paradoxically clears a path for a compromise with the White House on steps to boost the economy.

"We need to get this resolved and I'm confident we can do it," President Barack Obama said shortly after the near party-line votes. The public must have "the peace of mind that their taxes will not go up" on Jan. 1, he added.

Obama has signaled that he will bow to Republican demands for extending tax cuts at all income levels, and his remarks capped a day that lurched between political conflict and talk of compromise on an issue that played a leading role in last month's elections.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., eyeing the 2012 campaign, accused Republicans of siding with "millionaires and billionaires" with their rejection of proposals that would let tax cuts passed during George W. Bush's presidency lapse on seven-figure incomes.

Republicans noted that unemployment rose to 9.8 percent last month and said it made no sense to raise taxes on anyone in a weak economy. Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., jabbed that Democrats were undergoing a "political catharsis" in public after losing control of the House and surrendering several seats in the Senate in the Nov. 2 election.

But the rhetoric subsided quickly after the votes, and Senate leaders in both parties said they hoped political clashes would give way to compromise in the next several days.

Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, the GOP leader, said he was relatively confident there would be a deal with the White House "not to raise taxes in the middle of a recession." He said talks were continuing on the length of an extension to be enacted for the cuts that were put in place in 2001 and 2003.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he hoped for an agreement by the middle or end of next week on legislation that would combine an extension of tax cuts with a renewal of expiring jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed.

Officials have said that in addition to tax cuts and unemployment benefits, the White House wants to include renewal of several other tax provisions that are expiring. They include a break for lower- and middle- class wage earners, even if they don't make enough to pay the government, as well as for college students and for companies that hire the unemployed.

Key lawmakers and administration officials have been at work negotiating the terms of a possible deal for several days.

But many congressional Democrats privately have expressed anger at Obama for his willingness to surrender to Republican demands to let the tax cuts remain in place at upper incomes, and numerous officials said no compromise would be possible until they had engineered votes in both the House and Senate.

Any deal would mean a reversal for Obama, who said in the 2008 presidential race and this year that he wanted to let cuts expire above incomes of $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples.

In the Senate, a bill to enact Obama's original position was blocked on a vote of 53-36, seven votes short of the 60 needed to advance. Republicans were unanimous in their opposition, and were joined by Democratic Sens. Russell Feingold of Wisconsin, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Jim Webb of Virginia and independent Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut.

The second measure would have kept the tax cuts in place on incomes over $1 million. It appeared crafted to appeal to senators from states with large high-income populations, as well as cast Republicans as protectors of the rich.

It was blocked on a vote of 53-37, also seven short of the 60 needed. A slightly different lineup of Democrats sided with Republicans, including Sens. Dick Durbin of Illinois, Tom Harkin of Iowa, Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia and Feingold. Lieberman also opposed it.

The White House opposed the second measure bill, and given the president's willingness to sign a bill to extend all the expiring tax cuts, there was never any doubt about the outcome of the day's proceedings in the Senate.

But Democrats said that even with elections nearly two years away, they intended to try and depict Republicans as defenders of the rich whose policies contribute to rising deficits.

"Do we want to extend those tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires at a time of huge deficits. I would argue vociferously we shouldn't, said Schumer.

Referring to the 2012 elections, he said about Republicans: "I'm going to be here for the next year, next two years, to remind my colleagues that they were willing to increase the deficit $300 billion to give tax breaks to people who have income over a million dollars."

Republicans sounded alternately bemused and offended.

"It is the most astounding theory I have ever seen. Raise taxes to create jobs," said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said Democrats perhaps viewed the votes as a gift to their political constituents. But, he added, "two years of wall to wall Democratic rule has only made the situation worse" in the economy.

The day's events capped a week that included a meeting at the White House at which Obama and top congressional Republicans sat down together for the first time since the elections.

Both the president and GOP lawmakers pledged afterward they would try to work together for the good of the economy, and agreed to set up a small negotiating group to discuss the tax issues.

The White House, Reid and Republicans have been negotiating quietly, and McConnell made a point of saying he had been in frequent touch with the administration in recent days.

In addition to tax cuts, Obama has made ratification of a new arms control treaty with Russia a priority of the postelection session of Congress, reducing his leverage with Republicans in the struggle over taxes.

Senior Senate Republicans have indicated they will not try to interfere with a debate on the issue as long as government spending and tax cut issues have been resolved to their satisfaction.

A two-thirds majority is required for ratification, meaning the White House will need the support of at least nine Republicans to prevail. Vice President Joseph Biden and other officials have been involved in talks with several GOP senators in hopes of lining up the votes needed.