好女人與壞女人的區別是好女人很難記住,壞女人很難忘卻。 (deerrocks)
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. --- Darlington 世上隻有一件事比被人議論更糟糕,那就是沒有人議論你。 It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. ---Darlington 把人分成好的與壞的是荒謬的。人要麽迷人,要麽乏味。 I like men who have a future and women who have a past. --- Lorton 我喜歡有未來(前途)的男人和有過去(情史豐富)的女人
Wicked women bother one. Good women bore one. That is the only difference between them. ---Graham 壞女人讓人感到煩擾,好女人讓人感到無聊,這就是她們之間唯一的區別。--- 格瑞安 (好女人難做啊!) We make gods of men and they leave us. Other make brutes of them and they fawn and are faithful. 好女人把男人當神,可他們卻棄好女人而去;壞女人把男人當畜生,可他們反倒搖頭擺尾地跟在身邊,怎麽攆也攆不走。 (嗬嗬,難道這是一個“壞女人”當道的世界?) I can resist everything except temptation. --- Darlington 我什麽都可以抵禦,除了誘惑。 --- 達林頓勳爵 (這是一個悖論哦。)
I prefer women with a past. They're always so dammed amusing to talk to. 女人要是有一段神秘的過去,那才招人喜歡呢,和這樣的女人說話簡直妙趣無窮。 (這與“女人不壞,男人不愛”如出一轍呢。) It takes a thoroughly good woman to do a thoroughly stupid thing. 隻有好到家的女人才會做出蠢到家的事來。 (這豈不是跟“女子無才便是德“唱反調?) In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. The last is much the worst; the last is a real tragedy!--- Dumby 世界上有兩種悲劇。一是求之不得,二是得償所願。後者有時比前者更糟糕,是真正的悲劇。--- 達姆比 (強扭的瓜不甜。得到他的人,不等於得到他的心,精神出軌比肉體出軌更致命。) Crying is the refuge of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones. --- Mrs. Berwrick 長相平庸的女人哭一下還行,像你這麽水靈的,那絕對有損形象!---伯瑞克公爵夫人 (激將法挺管用,溫夫人打算以牙還牙了。) It's most dangerous nowadays for a husband to pay any attention to his wife in public. It always makes people think that he beats her when they're alone. The world has grown so suspicious of anything that looks like a happy married life. 男人最危險的事就是在人前向太太獻殷勤。別人準以為他在家裏打老婆。現今這社會就這麽扭曲陰暗,瞧見人家兩口子和和美美的,就愛往歪了想。 (男人如果過於討好太太,太太就會思疑他背後做了什麽對不住自己的事。~ ~ )
When men give up saying what is charming, they give up thinking what is charming. 男人如果嘴上說不出漂亮的話兒了,那他們的腦子裏也不會再去想漂亮的事情了。 (男人即使嘴上說漂亮的話兒了,他們的腦子裏也不一定想著漂亮的事情。) Gossip is charming! History is merely gossip. But scandal is goosip made tedious by morality. --- Graham 八卦是迷人的,曆史不就是純粹的八卦嗎?可誹謗不一樣,它因為加入了道德,所以變得索然無味了。--格瑞安 (八卦點綴一些人的生活,誹謗摧毀另一些人的生活。) A man who moralises is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who moralises is invariably plain. --- Graham 滿口道德的男人往往是偽君子,滿口道德的女人則必定其貌不揚。--格瑞安 (這個炮火有點太猛烈,嗬嗬。) Whenever people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong. 但凡別人一誇我說得對,我就知道自個兒準說錯了。 (天才都是孤獨的,不是嗎?) No, we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. 不,咱們都是在臭水溝裏趟的,隻不過有幾個人還在仰望著星空。--達林頓 (仰望著星空總比掐著鼻子透不過氣好受點。~~ 這句話跟顧城的“在黑暗中尋找光明”是異曲同工哦。) What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. --- Darlington 什麽叫憤世嫉俗者?就是那些知道所有事物的價錢卻對事物價值一竅不通的人。 --- Darlindun (諳曉事物價值的人就不會成為憤青了。) A sentimentalist is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market price of any single thing. 什麽是性情中人?就是那些凡事都覺著值,就是不懂市價行情的人。 (那是了“理想主義者”的代名詞。) Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes.--- Dumby 所謂經驗,不過是人們給自己人生錯誤蒙上的一層遮羞布而已。---達姆比 (人人都需要一點自我安慰嘛。)
Actions are the first tragedy in life, words are the second. Words are perhaps the worst. Words are merciless... 生活中的第一出悲劇是行動做出來的,把這悲劇再講出來就做出了第二出悲劇。第二出悲劇或許比第一出更糟糕,因為言語最是無情...... (阮玲玉早就看透了:“人言可畏!”)