This is a classic example of how incorrect information can mislead so many people by multiple uninformed ZTs in the era of internet.
First of all, there is NO death registry in China so nobody knows the true #1 killer in China. Huge numbers of people die there without a doctor’s death certificate to indicate the reason of death. This is especially true in countryside where the majority of China’s population lives. But any reasonale person would agree on an educated guess that among all leathal disease the one has highest prevalence would cause the most death.
Secondly, that data was a survey from those Chinese hospital death statistics where death numbers due to cancer is much much higher than the real world situations. Many many more people die from other diseases just were not recorded but almost all cancer patient were recorded at the time of diagnosis.
Thirdly, you probably could claim the death RATE from cancer is highest. But given the smaller prevalence of cancer, it would be a horrible thing to have cancer as the number 1 killer in China. Or maybe it is such a good thing to boast to the world that the death numbers from other much much more prevalent diseases such as heart disease, cereberal vascular disease, etc., are at such a low number due to the excellent works done by Chinese medical society (including traditional Chinese medicine). This should be the headline news everywhere and deserves the Noble Prize in my mind. Yet there is not even a single reputable paper published about this. Also please note the claim that "而與2005年相比,中國城市居民惡性腫瘤的死亡率上升18.6個百分點" ---- a death rate rise by that much??? or you mean the incidence/newly diagnosed cases ???
Lastly, those “news” especially with a catchy title like the one we are talking about could be widely accepted, although not
necessarily correct because it alerts and encourages people to live healthier. And people, even those who do the ZT,
do get attention which could be a good thing. But if you are trying to defend a wrong information using evidence from that
wrong information, then it will be too obvious.
"Please give me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference."