


(2022-03-06 19:59:33) 下一個

The pinnacle of self-transformation is the discovery of our higher nature-our true nature. The realization frees us from the prison of the personality or the vehicles that we use. Personality is essentially a product of conditionings, and we are virtually prisoners of such conditionings. The discovery of that which is beyond the personality is the key to freedom. 

When our motivation is merely to become better or to improve ourselves or to be more successful or effective, then the ompetus for tansformation will be short-lived. It will stop when we cease to feel the pressure of the problems that goaded us to improve ourselves, even if we haven't really improved ourselves.

Transcendence referes to an expanded state of awareness and experience that goes beyond theordinary levels of doing, feeling, and thinking, It's a realization of our full potential, of what we can become. But it also brings us beyond mere self-mastery to a fuller understanding ot the nature of life and of the cosmos.

Prior to the transcendent consciousness, the destiny of the personality is determined by external conditioning, and conflicts are resolved by the conditioning that is stronger. But when this higher consciousness is awakened, it can diminish the control of these conditionings.

Transcendence has to emerge spontaneously and can not be forced. Two kinds of preparation are needed for the SELF-TRANSFORMATION. 

  1. purification: is the cleansing of unwholesome conditioning in the personality such as fear, guilt, resentment and proneness to anger. (schemas)
  2. structure building: is the strengthening of our capabilities for delaing with the compelxt circumstances in life. 

Conflicts or weaknesses in the personality draw our consicousness to suppression and denial. We have a dual thrust: the tranformation and purification of the outer personality and the awakening and stengthening of the inner self. This dual thrust assumes a third aspect: the harmonious interaction between the higher self and the lower self, making the lower subservient to the higher.

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