

Positive Autosuggestion

(2018-07-12 17:23:33) 下一個

  • Oh, how nice it will be to have something to eat
  • I eat and enjoy my food
  • I chew my food properly to transform it into a sort of paste before swallowing it
  • I digest it properly
  • I feel comfort, convenience and satisfaction in my stomach and intestines
  • I assimilate what I eat and my organism makes use of it to make blood, musle, strength and energy - my vigrous and beautiful life
  • My function of excretion is normal
  • Every morning, on rising, I feel the need of evacuating the bowels
  • I obtain a normal and satisfactory result to keep my body clean and refresh
  • Every night from the tiem I go to sleep till the time I wish to wake next morning, I sleep deeply, calmly, and quietly
  • Every morning, on waking I feel perfectly well, cheerful, and active
  • I feel perfectly cheerful
  • I'm always patient and master of my best self
  • In my imagination, bad and unwholesome ideas, apprehensions, fears, aversions, temptations, or grudges against other people lost sight, melt away, and disappear completely. As  a dream vanishes when I wake, so do all these undesireable and vain images disappear.
  • All my organs are performing their functions properly
  • My heart beats in a normal way and the circulation of the blood takes place as it should
  • My liver is carrying out its functions properly and perfectly
  • My kidneys are carrying out their functions properly and perfectly
  • My bladder is carrying out its functions properly and perfectly
  • My stomach is carrying out its functions properly and perfectly
  • My biliary duct is carrying out its functions properly and perfectly
  • My intestines are carrying out their functions properly and perfectly
  • My lungs are carrying out their functions properly and perfectly
  • My organs know how to heal themselves and recover their normal functions
  • My body is created and is taken care by the infinite intelligence
  • Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better
  • I have self-trust
  • I have self-respect
  • I have unshakeable self-confidence
  • I'm a masterpiece of the Almighty God
  • I can do all good things through Christ within me
  • I'm one with God and I have everything I need to succeed and prosper
  • I arise and shine because the spirit of God rests upon me
  • I'm anointed
  • I have the assurance to live a glorious and wonderful life
  • I am capable of accomplishing perfectly well whatever I wish to do
  • It is easy for me to drive everywhere safely 
  • I can master my subconscious mind, consicous mind and superconscious mind and teach others to do so
  • I can fully understand wealth management and create ongoing cash flow to meet all of my financial needs
  • It is easy for me to earn a lot of money, attract beautiful money, use money wisely, and save money effortlessly
  • It is easy for me to remain healthy and young
  • It is easy for me to find a well-paid, meanful job whennever I want
  • It is easy for me to make good friends and receive support, respect, acceptance and love
  • It is easy for me to communicate in English as if it is my mother tongue
  • It is easy for me to get along well with people because I see the greatness in each of them
  • Love waits for me at every corner
  • All life forces love me and support me
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