

Repeated Undesirable Pattern

(2018-05-21 08:08:45) 下一個

Indecision keeps you in suspense. Decisiveness restores one's sense of being in control. There is no guarantee that the outcome will be entirely good, but instead of waiting and anticipating, you can get on with life.

  • find a fix
    • assess the chances in favor of a successful solution
    • write down the pros and cons of each possible solution
    • present the solution that came out on top in your deliberation
    • having reached an agreement, follow through with your half of the bargain while asking the other person to do the same. negotiations never succeed unless both sides feel they have won something, come away feeling safe and secure, and find a way to hold on to their dignity.
  • put up with a bad situation
    • evaluate that this is at your best interest according to your current level of conscienceness
    • affirm that this is your decision, not a trap you've fallen into against your will
    • check to make sure that you do not give up inner control and find excuse to stay in the ruts
  • walk away
    • it is a decision you feel good about, not a last resort or an act of desparation
    • list pros and cons of leaving 
    • what will happen next-the consequences of walking out on a relationship or quitting a job cannot be minimized
    • ruputures alawys create wounds; deep wounds always take more time to heal than you anticipate
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