2010 (844)
2011 (928)
2012 (1456)
2013 (2037)
2014 (3427)
2015 (2074)
2016 (1427)
2017 (1082)
2018 (296)
2019 (168)
2023 (111)
2024 (152)
I have being celebrated almost daily
since I was reborn from the love
with the lines
poems or not
There is no need for the anniversary
everyday is memorable in some way
and forgettable in seconds anyhow
poems or not
Mind is distilled as simple as it could be
Life is purified as cool as it could be
Lyrics float themselves in the river of hearts
Songs sing themselves as clouds of souls
poems or not
It is hard to stop fishing the ideas
once the flood gate was open
It is hard not to see the beauty of nature
once the pulses resonate with the nature
poems or not
Line up more
Line up less
Lines in the rain
disappear in rainbow
Those are real poems