
多位專家炒家同時預測黃金將衝向3000美元左右,意味什麽?by miat42

(2009-11-28 22:56:16) 下一個
by miat42

From simplistic view, it only means another commodity bubble in Gold is waging. I don't know if it would really go up to $3000. Although I won't trade it myself, I would entertain such possibility.

It means:

1) It has to go up because of all the stimulus money floating around the world, making paper money worth much less than before. Gold is reverse proxy of money devaluation. The more the money (especially USD) devalues, the more the price of gold will go up.

2) I don't know if gold would really go up that high, but that's possible in theory. Let's assume that price of gold can do that, it would suggest that valuation of USD would get even lower than today. Today, USD has devalued about 20%, when gold price is close to 3000, I would guess USD would depreciate to 50% off.

3) What would happen when USD is down 50% off? The significance is world-changing!! This shock wave is going to shock every corner of the world like a giant tsunami because USD is still a bona fide world currency with or without its devaluation. The shock will be devastating to a lot of economies that holds USD as its main foreign reserves.

4)This gold bubble is very devastating because gold's value is still tied to the value of USD. And this gold bubble is a world phenominon, not just a local nation's bubble. Gold bubble could trigger another energy bubble and all sorts of other commodity bubbles, like rare ore bubble, rise bubble, silver bubble, oil bubble, you name it. Gold bubble is definitely opening a pandora's box that could unleash demons of a greater scale.

That's why I have been saying repeatedly that 未來很多年將發生天翻地覆的經濟政治變化, 絕對震翻你所有的教育準備你在心理上能接受的。 大家小心。
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