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Are we failing HIV/Aids patients?


原始地址:http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/ ... 24015550&#paginator
翻譯:noonoo From anti-cnn.com 轉載請注明,謝謝

More than six million people in Africa required care for HIV/Aids, but only 2.2 million are currently getting it. Should care for HIV/Aids patients be refocused?

Spending less on laboratory testing in cities and more on local care in villages would enable a third more people to be treated, says a new study.

There is still no cure for HIV/Aids, but anti-retroviral drugs can stop the disease from developing.

However, many argue that more money should be invested in HIV prevention and education, rather than treating sufferers.

Is it time for a new strategy to tackle HIV/Aids in Africa? Where do you think investment should be focused? Have you suffered, or has your community suffered, from HIV/Aids? What is being done to help?







Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 13:44 GMT 14:44 UK

How many billions are sent to Africa for food aid, medical supplies, etc, etc, etc the last 40 some years of my life? We are always hearing "Africa needs help, we need to do more!" Africa has to take responsibility to take care of its own and stop relying on the rest of the world to care for them. Putting on a condom is pretty damn easy--and even those are sent from the west for free...

pam, oxford, ohio usa

Recommended by 131 people


Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 13:27 GMT 14:27 UK

AGAIN....Africa ? .......is this a UK website or an African one ? To be brutally honest , as others have said , what does Africa actually DO for itself and it`s own people , very little it would appear ,despite the multi billions in aid it has already had. I`m afraid that Africa can longer rely upon the continual aid it has received, now ,for God knows how long , as people have many problems closer to home to deal with. Where HAS all that money gone ? there seems to be little or no sign of it !


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非洲?又來了...這到底是英國的網站還是非洲網站啊?說句不好聽的話:就像他們說的,非洲到底為自己和非洲人民做了些什麽?看起來少之又少,盡管得到了數億的援助。我擔心非洲到底要多久才不用依賴不斷的援助,現在,鬼知道要多久,畢竟人類總有很多問題要解決。 那些錢到底到哪去了?沒點跡象能說明它們的去處!

Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 13:50 GMT 14:50 UK

The majority of comments seem very sensibly to blame Africans themselves for this situation. We cannot keep pouring aid into Africa, time they did indeed solve their own problems. That's what their much-demanded "independance" was about.

wurzel gummage, bath

Recommended by 104 people


Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 14:40 GMT 15:40 UK

Are we failing HIV/Aids patients?

How can we in the West be failing the endemic ignorance & denial of morals & behaviour of Africans.

The human rights liberalists wanted Africans to be free & not be dictated to by Western Imperialist governments.

Since Africa has become free, it has descended into chaos, repeated deprivation destruction & starvation.

Africa has evolved backwards. A few might be doing ok but the majority are not. The majority suffer via ignorance & religious deceit


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Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 13:25 GMT 14:25 UK

Once again it comes down to culture, the west has over the years thrown billions of dollars at this problem and nothing out there has changed.

Education will not work on these people as they have had a strict social code and hierarchy for thousands of years and multiplying as much as possible is top of their agenda, until a cure is found for this disease nothing will change.

No amount of money, education or research will make Africans change the way they live.

alan baker, chelmsford, United Kingdom

Recommended by 81 people




Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 15:18 GMT 16:18 UK

Why should we subsidize other poeple's medical care? Why do we have that responsibility? Do they not assume responsibility for thier own care? Why is it assumed that we are responsible for someone elses problems? Let us first recognize the difference between an obligation and charity. Then we can discuss how the corrupt governements and aid dispensing organizations are making millions off of the aid already being sent to suffering people. Then maybe we can truly see what is needed.

Walt K, Rialto, California, United States

Recommended by 69 people


Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 14:20 GMT 15:20 UK

It is hardly a secret that wearing a condom massively reduces the risk of HIV infection. You can take a horse to water.....

Neil Probert, Cernusco Sul Naviglio, Italy

Recommended by 69 people


(譯注:You can take a horse to the water , but you can not make him drink.是一個英語諺語。這裏大概想說,你能免費提供給他們套套,但是你無法強迫他們都戴上...)

Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 13:17 GMT 14:17 UK

All we hear out of the silly liberals is 'how can we spend money in the right place to fix this'. This is not about spending money, it's about using common sense to prevent the spread of the disease. If you give people a truckload of condoms and they don't use them, then you think filling the truck with money instead will prevent the spread of the disease?

P McFall, Atlanta, United States

Recommended by 63 people


Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 12:58 GMT 13:58 UK

This may sound mean, but AIDS is 100% preventable. So the question should be are AIDS victims failing themselves? The answer would obviously be yes.

Sean Gunther, Ohio, US

Recommended by 55 people


Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 13:23 GMT 14:23 UK

Come on!! AIDS is preventable by African men being less promiscuous and wearing condoms!!!!! For goodness sake!

Simple solution, spread contraception throughout the populations, educate and empower the women and this problem will disappear.

I feel extremely sorry for the poor kids that are born into this world and immediately handed a death sentence because of one or possibly two irresponsible parents.

Jorge Sanchez, Tokyo

Recommended by 54 people

come on!!! AIDS是完全可以預防的,隻要非洲男人們少點濫交多戴套套!!!積點德吧!



Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 14:33 GMT 15:33 UK

Are we failing HIV/Aids patients? More than six million people in Africa required care.....

It appears to me the only people that are failing is, as usual, the corrupt African governments. Why is it always up to the rest of the world to care for Africa? My grandparents, my parents and now I am being asked to "take care of Africa". When is someone going to step up and ask why Africa can't take care of itself after all these generations of help? Could it be they're now our dependants?

Daniel, USA

Recommended by 51 people



Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 15:44 GMT 16:44 UK

I don't believe theres any point in massively spending money on Aids/HIV patients in Africa.

The money needs to be spent on informing & educating & seeking to change peoples sexual habits.

One of the biggest rersons for aids/HIV spreading, is the Catholic & other religions refusing to accept the consequences of not allowing contraception, hence protection form Aids/HIV.

Its pointless spending $millions on 5 million patients when that number is going to quadruple due to failed education.


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Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 12:55 GMT 13:55 UK

Many African men disapprove of using condoms as "going to bed with socks on".

"Spending more on local care in villages"? How about prevention by raising intellectual standards?

marcus marcuse

Recommended by 47 people


“在鄉下的局部照料中花費更多”? 還不如提高智力來預防。

Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 16:32 GMT 17:32 UK

How are WE (the rest of the world) failing aids in Africa? WE have discovered the virus, WE have found the best way (easy and cheap) to counter it (condoms) that WE send for free in great number in Africa, WE have even developped treatment and effective detection tools... Cann't Africans do the rest now? Like, educate themselves (wear condoms). Africans cann't forever ask for westerners to leave Africa alone, only to ask for their help after. You are supposed to be independant.

Luc, France

Recommended by 40 people


Added: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 20:21 GMT 21:21 UK

From a previous HYS - ironic really!

Obama is not welcome in Africa. They are not good for us. he is an uncle tom. why should we welcome him to Africa? as long as he talks to us in a very condecending way, we will tell him to get out of here. ali, libreville

An 'uncle tom?"can you say that in this day and age, or is there a double standard?

Africa welcomes the US/GB when there's a disaster, though, right? Accept plenty of aid, yes? Now help with Aids - AGAIN!


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看上一個HYS(譯注:have you say的簡稱)——真是諷刺!

非洲不歡迎奧巴馬。他們對我們沒有益處。他是一個湯姆大叔(譯注:Uncle Tom:對白人謙卑的黑人 )。為什麽我們要歡迎他來非洲?如果他以高傲的方式跟我們講話,我們將告訴他滾出這裏。


一個“Uncle tom?”你能在這個時候再說這句話嗎?或者是雙重標準?






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