
紅樓夢和詩歌美學發掘者. 如果你沒有讀過,哦,那你白讀了一輩子書.

四月的黃昏 (舒婷) / The Dusk of April

(2009-07-31 16:12:23) 下一個

四月的黃昏裡             In the dusk of April
流曳著一組組綠色的旋律    Flow sets and sets green melodies
在峽穀低迴               In the valleys they linger
在天空遊移               In the sky they swim

要是靈魂裡溢滿了回響     If your soul is full of their echos
又何必苦苦尋覓           Why should you painstakingly seek
要歌唱你就歌唱吧﹐ 但請  If you want to sing, then sing it, but please
輕輕﹐ 輕輕﹐ 溫柔地     Gently, gently, and tenderly

四月的黃昏              The dusk of April
如象一段失而復得的記憶  Is like a lost and found memory
也許有一個約會          There might have been a date
至今尚未如期            That is yet to be fulfilled

也許有一次熱戀          There might have been a craze of love
永不能相許              That can never be engaged
要哭泣你就哭泣吧﹐ 讓淚水 If you want to sob, then sob it, let the tears
流嗬﹐ 流嗬﹐ 默默地      Drop, drop, but silently

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