
生怕閑愁暗恨,多少事、欲說還休。 今年瘦,非幹病酒,不是悲秋。


(2005-07-29 17:49:53) 下一個

conference上遇到一個中國MM,其實是我師妹,但是我畢業之後,她才前來,所以並沒有很多的接觸。會議結束後,一起坐車從Boston New York,一路上聊了不少。MM跟我算了一筆帳,就算我們還能生活50年,那就是18,250天。這真是不算不知道,一算嚇一跳。日子一天一天飛也似的逝去,18千天,真的是很短暫,很有限。我不知道為什麽,如此有限的時間,我們還在做著自己不喜歡的事情,我們還要和相親相愛的人分離。又是周末,我想著這過去的一周,轉一念,18千天,隻是2607個星期,仿佛一轉眼就可以結束一樣。



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鳳凰台上 回複 悄悄話 I'm sorry for your friend.

Yes, life is one of the most important things we should cherish. I often ask myself to go to bed early and get up early (though most often I fall soon), get some exercises (though limited) and eat the right food. But at least we should try to enjoy our time . . .
m38 回複 悄悄話 I just back from the event saying good-by to a college classmate who just lost the fight against the cancer. When I drove back to home I just could not help thinking how much I should appreciate the life, the every day and every second.