
朗讀 The Secret reading 10 - creative procss Step Three

(2010-10-26 16:44:23) 下一個

So, then our friends say something must be going terribly wrong. Because, I know I am asking so where is my stuff?
And we say, you are asking, you are completing step one, you can’t help but do that. The universe is answering every time. No exception.
But there is another step that you must understand, and it is called step three, which is the receiving step, which means, you must bring yourself into alignment with what you’re asking for. When you’re in alignment with what you want, you feel wonderful. That’s what enthusiasm is, that’s what joy is, that’s what appreciation is, that’s what that feeling of passion is.
But when you are feeling despair, or fear, or anger, those are strong indicators that you are not right now in alignment with what you’re asking for.

And so when you begin to realize that the way you feel is everything, and you begin to direct your thoughts based upon how they feel, little by little you can find the feeling place of it, and now you’re the one with it, and now it must manifest into your experience.
And when you turn that fantasy into a fact, you’re in the position to build bigger and better fantasies and that, my friend, is the creative process.
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