前天晚飯後,女兒在學校網站上查看成績。剛一打開,就大叫了起來: “This is unfair!” 我連忙問怎麽回事。她解釋說,英語老師今天上課讓大家拿張紙回答誰是Director of the Education Board. 大家都以為是for fun, 沒想到算作一次小測驗,她得了零分。這太喜劇了,居然還考這個!不過小事一樁,就安慰她:“沒啥,再考幾次,這個分就不占比例了。”但女兒很生氣,表示明天要去complain. 我轉念一想,這不也是一個挺好的鍛煉機會嗎,讓她去試一下。
“我覺得,首先想想你的目的。你是希望老師取消這次測驗,不計成績。其次,記住老師是decision maker。 所以原則上,be polite and also be very clear about what you are asking for. Don’t sound like blaming anybody. Make sense?“
“Good idea. 那我就說,Ms. D (老師),I don’t think this is related to our class topic, besides, nobody got it
right. It is unfair to be counted as a quiz. Would you please take it out from
the grade?”
“不錯。 不過如果我是你的話,第一,去掉 nobody got it right, 因為它不是一個有效的理由(valid reason). 沒人做對,不等於這個問題有錯。再說,你並不知道是否有人做對。這反而減弱了你的真正的理由。你需要強調的是,與課程內容無關。第二,我會再加一點humor,比如說,we thought this was just a fun fact, actually it is a good question for school Jeopardy. Something like that. 記住,這不是你贏我輸。你隻需要讓老師覺得你講得有道理,就行了.”