九月份,白宮開通了一個請願網站,以下是我向總統的請願,要有25000人上網支持才行 (截止時間12/07/2011)。如果你真的不喜歡夏令時,就到白宮的網站上登記,然後支持我的請願。
http://wh.gov/bpf朋友們還可用Facebook 和Twitter:Support the petition on the White House petitions site “Abolish Daylight SavingTime”. Will you sign it?
Dear friend, I wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People, a new feature on WhiteHouse.gov, and ask for your support. Will you add your name to mine? If this petition gets 25,000 signatures by December 07, 2011, the White House will review it and respond!
You can view and sign the petition here:
http://wh.gov/bpfHere's some more information about this petition: Abolish Daylight Saving Time
“Daylight Saving Time (DST) is obsolete. There are NO conclusive studies that prove that DST actually saves energy. Daylight Saving Time has negative effects on people's health. Transitions into DST can disturb people's natural biological rhythms and increase the occurrences of heart attacks. In 2005, President Bush extended the length of DST by four weeks. Because of that, many school children have to get up very early and wait for their school busses in the dark during early spring and late fall mornings. Disrupted sleep patterns cause decreased study and work efficiency for people in US following the annual changes. In modern days, DST does not save us energy but only causes disruptions to people’s biological rhythms. The Government should discontinue this counterproductive law. ”
參考資料 Scientific Amercan. Does daylight saving time conserve energy?”
It is a us law!
等滿了150個簽名後被publish,才能在login 後直接看見.
2.等約兩分鍾會收到白宮來的confirmation email.
3.你必須從這個email提供的 link 進去後, 再按參加petition的鍵.
4.現在直接進去看不到這個petition的.等到滿150人的時候,會被"publish". 那時任何人進去都可看見並加入petition.
最受其害的兒童和青少年。他們氣得太早,生物鍾運轉使得他們的身體和智力發育大大受到影響,學習效果降低。 青少年的最佳頭腦活躍是早10點到中午一點,另一個時間段是晚6點到8點。現行學校作息時間的製定是基於校車安排和教師個人生活的利益。
與賺取利潤相比,孩子們的利益是其次。 當前的夏時製與節省能源無關,與刺激更多的消費和賺取利潤為目的。