
老農隻有一畝薄田。 老農除養家糊口外,還想胡謅幾句。老農的所見所聞,可能對大家有點用。。。


(2011-11-05 21:49:00) 下一個
許多國家每年兩度人為地調時間,春天調早一小時,秋天撥回一小時,是折騰人類生物鍾的暴行。每年換夏令時那一周,老農上班時都會感覺疲勞,效率下降。瑞典的一項研究表明,春天調早時間,發心髒疾病的多了5%。夏令時號稱能節約用電,但近期的研究不能確定這一點,甚至還得到了相反的結論。我兒子早春和晚秋趕校車上學時,天還是黑的,我們家一早起床,燈火通明,暖氣啟動,省個鬼電!喜歡夏令時的,有很多是做戶外活動生意的,象高爾夫球場的老板。至少他們不需要象周扒皮一樣學半夜雞叫趕大家出來打球了。小布什時,他把夏令時延長了四個星期,讓許多人倍感難受。我們要呼籲政府取消夏令時,不要肆虐我們的生物鍾。中國政府在80年代也搞過夏令時,但後來知錯就改了。參考資料 Scientific Amercan. Does daylight saving time conserve energy?
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北美老農 回複 悄悄話 這是我向總統的請願,要有2500人上網支持才行。如果你真的不喜歡夏令時,就到白宮的網站上登記,然後支持我的請願。
Dear friends,

I wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People, a new feature on WhiteHouse.gov, and ask for your support. Will you add your name to mine? If this petition gets 25,000 signatures by December 07, 2011, the White House will review it and respond!

We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gets enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response.

You can view and sign the petition here:


Here's some more information about this petition:

Abolish Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is obsolete. There are NO conclusive studies that prove that DST actually saves energy.

Daylight Saving Time has negative effects on people's health. Transitions into DST can disturb people's natural biological rhythms and increase the occurrences of heart attacks.

In 2005, President Bush extended the length of DST by four weeks. Because of that, many school children have to get up very early and wait for their school busses in the dark during early spring and late fall mornings. Disrupted sleep patterns cause decreased study and work efficiency for people
in US following the annual changes.

In modern days, DST does not save us energy but only causes disruptions to people’s biological rhythms. The Government should discontinue this counterproductive law.
rosez 回複 悄悄話 特別恨夏令時
友友99 回複 悄悄話 今天終於在有晨曦的早晨目送小孩上學了,開心!睡意全消!
大灰狼太太 回複 悄悄話 "省個鬼電!",我太愛這句話了
ilovefriday 回複 悄悄話 也是特別討厭夏令時,瞎折騰!
沉魚 回複 悄悄話 法國一樣,小孩子適應得才叫一個艱難
小棒棒 回複 悄悄話 雖然瑞典有這項研究,但瑞典也照樣用夏時製。不過改回來的時候正好是學生的秋假, 有一周的時間來適應。
merrimac 回複 悄悄話 I can't agree more. It is a very stupid thing!
酒心巧克力 回複 悄悄話 覺得夏令時挺好的人飄過
穿越無限 回複 悄悄話 我也恨,一到夏令時的早上,起床是件太痛苦的事了。。。