

(2009-06-19 01:16:45) 下一個


Yunnan's famed Across the Bridge Rice Noodles is known as "Guo-Qiao Mi-Xian" in Chinese.

Legend has it that guoqiao mixian came about when a young scholar retreated to another place to prepare for his imperial examination. His loving wife would travel and cross a nearby bridge to bring him his daily meal. Frequently, his meal would turned cold by the time it gets to him. One day, quite by chance, she discovered a bowl of chicken soup could keep warm with a layer of oil on top. From then on, she would serve the noodles and meat slices with the oil layer soup and the young scholar could enjoy a warm meal every day. When the scholar did well in the examination, he credited his success to his wife's noodles,hence, this dish Across the Bridge Rice Noodles was made known.

The price of the cross-bridge noodle ranges from 9 RMB to 78RMB. Here are all the ingredients for the most expensive one, including chicken, pork, lamb, beef, seafood, mushroom, etc.

Add all the meat and ingredients first. 先把所有的配料放進一大海碗湯裏。

Then, add the noodle. A huge bowl of noodle soup enough for at least 3 people to share. Yummy!

有好菜豈能沒有冰啤酒?! 來點下酒菜,同我家馬老者暈幾杯。 又香又辣的鹵雞珍和牛雜。



With 30 years of experience of dealing with tough students, my mom is a talented interrogator. No kidding! Whatever one has in his/her head, my mom can definitely dig it out. Look at her! Must be doing some major brain-wash with Dr. Liu. :)

更多好看好玩的食物, 遊記和照片,

請看 The Coconut Head

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