最近一直心情比較鬱悶,工作又忙得不可開交。我的工作忙,都忙了快三年了,還沒有緩過勁來。鬱悶!好在我很喜歡我的工作,熱情十足。按老爸的說法, 忙,也是自作自受了。 好久沒有在家裏興風作浪,折騰一下。今天早上起來,邊做瑜珈,邊想做點早餐鬆餅犒勞一下自己吧。
Haven't been in a great mood recently. It is what it is, and I've tried my best. This morning, I woke up and could not help wondering - what if I really feel happier these days than before? Boyfriendless, but happier in a way that I can truly be myself? Gosh! This thought totally made me feel taken aback, big time.Blair and I went to lunch one day and chatted about the recently challenges each of us had at work and at home.
Marsha:"(Sigh)...You know when I need God to work on some overtime schedule for me, he is taking on vacation on me."
Blair:"What do you mean? You just had a great year at work."
Marsha:"Yeah...Work, friendship, family, everything goes great, but relationship goes to hell. "
With a big and sincere smile on his face, Blair said encouragingly:"Marsha, Hey, you cannot get everything going for you. That's not possible. Whatever challenges God put in front us is to help build our character."
Marsha:"Hmm, makes sense. But, what if I want to tell God, thank you, I think I am really cool enough, please give me a break?!"
(Both laughing out loud)
Blair, my co-worker and friend, is a solid character. I have never seen him showing any signs of frustration and anger even under the most frustrating, stressful and intimidating situation. It has been a blessing to work and joke with him.
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