說點我家三人的家常。老媽嘛,按照我家馬老者(我對我爸的昵稱),95%的時候可以用三個詞語概括 - 嘻嘻哈哈, 馬馬虎虎, 糊裏糊塗。但是我家老媽偶爾冒出一兩句頗具哲理的批語,常常把我驚得一呆一呆的。
我媽:“我看你, 又要忙工作,又要做好吃的,還要把你的房子打掃幹淨,辛苦啊。”
難得我媽今天這麽理解我, 我感動呀。馬上說:"媽,你也很勤勞嘛。”
還沒等我張口向我媽傾訴傾訴, 我媽繼續:“不過呢,你這樣身體上雖累一點,但心不累呀。身體累點沒關係,不勞心就行。“
我媽馬上反駁:" 怎麽是你爸的功勞?我才是家裏勤勞的那一位。再說了,女兒是我生的,能讓你爸沾個光就不錯了。“
我趕緊彌補錯誤,爭取把損失降低到最低點:"對, 對。。我爸沒有功勞,功勞都是你的。”
According to my dad, at least 95% of the time mom is funny, happy, a great-companion but a little bit clueless. Occasionally, my mom does pull some suede comments out from no where, which often surprises both my dad and me a great deal.
Here is our conversation over the phone today.
Mom:” Hey, all those cakes and western food you made these days look pretty nice. Do they actually taste good?”
Me (always ready to brag):” Of course, they do. They are both tasty and highly presentable.”
Mom (with a sigh):” You are a pretty hard-working girl.”
Me (surprised. wow, how come my mom appreciates me this much today?!):”Yeah, I made cake yesterday. Today, I am going to make some traditional Chinese food for Chris to try. When I get home, I am also going to tidy up the panty.”
Mom:” Hmm…you must feel pretty busy everyday. You need to work, cook and clean the house.”
Me (continue to feel surprised…):” Mom, you are very busy everyday too.”
Mom:” But, I don’t have the wacky habits you do. I don’t think I can deal with your rules of flat sheets, no mix-matching tea-cups and coffee-mugs. Don’t you think your habits may tire you out unnecessarily?”
Me (about to explain to her my thoughts):”….”
Mom:” You know what, if you don’t stick with your wacky stuff, you might feel more tired. It’s OK to feel tied physically, better than feeling tired mentally.”
Me (deal God, my mom can be wise sometimes!)
更多好看好玩的食物, 遊記和照片,請看 http://thecoconuthead.blogspot.com/