

(2013-11-14 22:52:17) 下一個



Hong Yi 是一名來自馬來西亞的華裔藝術家。她喜愛畫畫,創作的工具卻不是筆、顏料或油漆。而是一些特殊的材料。她在Instagram上放了一組圖片,非常耐人尋味。如果你看了後很喜歡,不妨自己也來嚐試下。就從身邊有的材料開始,創作你的多彩30天吧。

day 1:小西瓜漂流記

day 2:蒙克《呐喊》

day 3:在心裏與秘密花園不期而遇

day 4:沙巴衝突,我的心隨之沉入穀底

day 5:總之,寶貝呀,離肯德基爺爺遠點

day 6:世情莫測,其實隻要有愛便已足夠

day 7:葛飾北齋名作《神奈川海浪》的食物版~

day 8:在火龍果裏偶遇一條龍

day 9:人生就是不斷的放下,而最遺憾的是,我們沒來得及好好道別。你過得好嗎,理查德·帕克?

day 10:扭一扭,舔一舔,奧利奧狗狗!這是最傷不起的一個作品,因為亞熱帶氣候奧利奧夾心很容易化掉

day 11:坎貝爾番茄湯罐頭。原料是番茄醬,芥末醬和牡蠣醬喲!

day 12:救命!巨烏賊來襲!(用墨魚和墨魚汁做成的)

day 13:班克斯街頭塗鴉

day 14:融化中的北極

day 15:很久以前,有三隻小豬。一隻住在意麵房子裏,一隻住在手指餅幹房子裏,還有一隻呢,住在幹辣椒建成的房子裏~

day 16:竹炭麵包狼鼓起腮幫子,嗚的一聲,就把蠶豆小豬的房子吹毀了!Σ( ° △ °|||)

day 17:第三隻小豬獲救的真相:它是皮克斯腦殘粉!【飛屋環遊記的梗】

day 18:黃瓜版田園小景

day 19:催人淚下的洋蔥貓頭鷹(PД`q。)·。’゜

day 20:小巧的芭蕾伶娜

day 21:婚禮特別主題:未來隻要“油”你,我什麽都願意

day 22:霸王龍大戰梁龍,食肉和食草派終極對決!

day 23:大象馬戲團

day 24:奢侈的LV香菇

day 25:鬱金香花田

day 26:馬來西亞國會解散,希望馬來人民能在議會選舉中做出明智的選擇

day 27- 椰漿飯建造的吉隆坡雙子塔

day 28:伊娃·朗格利亞在2010年met gala上的造型

day 29:法式金魚清湯~金魚是用紅薑片做的

day 30:呆萌榴蓮河豚~眼睛是龍眼n(*≧▽≦*)n

day 31:最後一天,致全世界可愛人們的感謝。謝謝你萌~

Hong Yi, who goes by the nickname 'Red', is a Malaysian artist-architect. She was given the nickname because her name, Hong, sounds like the word 'red' in Mandarin.

Red's grandparents and father left Shanghai in the '60s during the start of the Cultural Revolution and moved to Sabah, Malaysia where she was born and raised. Growing up, she heard stories about how life was like for them and her relatives in China, but never thought much about it.

After graduating from university in Australia, she took up an offer to work for Australian architecture firm HASSELL in their Shanghai office, and was completely taken with the city, with its special structures and tensions, its unique history and culture. This inspired her to start on creating art using local everyday materials she found in China as her medium. It was an outlet for her to express how much she felt for a place her grandparents once fled from.

Known as the artist who 'loves to paint, but not with a paintbrush', her works have been featured by media around the world including Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, ABC, CNN, NBC and the Daily Mail. She has worked with clients such as Hewlett Packard, Unilever, Nespresso, and Astro, was invited as a presenter at the 6th and 7th EG Conference in Monterey, California, and lectured in design universities Domus Academy and NABA in Milan, and traveled to USA, Italy, Germany, China, Malaysia, Australia and Hong Kong to present her work. She currently lives and works between Shanghai and Malaysia.


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