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The Story of My Life 01-08

(2011-08-27 21:57:33) 下一個

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Recorded Aug 27, 2011

The beginning of my life was simple and much like every other little life. I came, I saw, I conquered, as the first baby in the family always does. There was the usual amount of discussion as to a name for me. The first baby in the family was not to be lightly named, every one was emphatic about that. My father suggested the name of Mildred Campbell, an ancestor whom he highly esteemed, and he declined to take any further part in the discussion. My mother solved the problem by giving it as her wish that I should be called after her mother, whose maiden name was Helen Everett. But in the excitement of carrying me to church my father lost the name on the way, very naturally, since it was one in which he had declined to have a part. When the minister asked him for it, he just remembered that it had been decided to call me after my grandmother, and he gave her name as Helen Adams.

跟其他小生命一樣,我生命的開始很簡單。正如所有家庭裏的第一個孩子,我來過,看過,征服過。為了給我起名,家裏有過大量的討論。第一個孩子的名字是不會輕易決定的,因為每個人都很在乎。我父親提議一個他十分崇敬的祖先的名字,叫彌綴德。坎布爾,並宣布不再參與任何進一步的討論。母親最後拍板以她母親的本名,海倫。艾維瑞特,命名。可是我父親在激動之中把它忘在了抱我去教堂的路上 -- 這個很自然,因為這不是他所認可的名字。牧師問他的時候,他隻記得決定的是我外婆的名字,於是他說海倫。亞當。
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