originalsoundtrack586.Dogs..."> originalsoundtrack586.Dogs..." />
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Thanks for the message. We are making it a family ...
This is such a sweet poem. I like it. I saw Bal...
i am here to learn from you! :D
I like it a lot too. :-)
well said! 蝸牛角上校雌雄--I am very impressed
listened and learned!
Good reading! Wonderful!
回複千與.千尋的評論: 他還說八個音調是他自己的發明(...
曲剛說英語的“口腔後部發音”,是他發現的? 這個我小...
新英語900句之生活篇 Lesson40:Fear恐懼
450) this.width=450" onload="javascript:if(this.width>450) this.width=450" />original sound track586. Dogs terrify me.我很害怕狗。587. I’m scared of heights.我恐高。588. He’s too afraid of getting hurt.他太害怕受傷了。589. Something has given him a bad fright.什麽東西讓他很害怕。590. That man’s eyes frighten me.那個男人的眼神嚇著我了。591. That movie was terrifying.那部電影真恐怖。592. I’m still afraid of the dark.我還是很怕黑。593. Drowning is one of my greatest fears.溺水是我最恐懼的事情之一。594. I’m not afraid to say what I think.我不怕說出我的想法。595. Don’t be frightened by the noises.別被這聲音嚇著。596. If you turn off the lights, the monster will come out from underneath my bed. 如果你關燈的話,怪物就會從我床底下出來的。597. It will come out and eat me if you turn off the lights.如果你關燈,它就會出來把我吃掉。598. I freak out every time I see a bug.我每次看到蟲子都會嚇得發瘋。599. Have you ever tried to overcome your fear?你有沒有努力克服你的恐懼?600. One day you will have to face your fear. 終有一天你必須麵對你的恐懼。
450) this.width=450" controls="ControlPanel" loop="false" autostart="false" volume="100" initfn="load-types" mime-types="mime.types" />my recording on 2/20/2011【生詞解讀】1. terrify [5terifai] v. 使害怕,使恐怖 2. fright [frait] n. 驚嚇,恐怖3. frighten [5fraitEn] v. 使驚恐,使駭怕4. drowning [5drauniN] n. 溺水5. freak out [fri:k] v. 行動反常