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Thanks for the message. We are making it a family ...
This is such a sweet poem. I like it. I saw Bal...
i am here to learn from you! :D
I like it a lot too. :-)
well said! 蝸牛角上校雌雄--I am very impressed
listened and learned!
Good reading! Wonderful!
回複千與.千尋的評論: 他還說八個音調是他自己的發明(...
曲剛說英語的“口腔後部發音”,是他發現的? 這個我小...
新英語900句之生活篇 Lesson22:Faith宗教與信仰450) this.width=450" onload="javascript:if(this.width>450) this.width=450" />original sound track316. Most Americans are Christian. 大部分美國人是基督教徒。317. I don’t like going to church. 我不喜歡去教堂。318. There are different religions all over the world. 世界上有很多不同的宗教。319. Religion is important to many people. 對許多人來說,宗教是很重要的。320. It’s hard to define what is a superstition. 很難定義什麽是迷信。321. Faith is often a cause for some people to fight. 信仰經常是導致人們鬥爭的原因。322. Some people believe in miracles. 有些人相信奇跡。323. Fear often causes non-believers to pray. 恐懼經常會使不信教的人也來祈禱。324. It’s comforting to believe in a life after death. 相信有來生,會讓人感到欣慰。325. Faith can keep people from doing bad things. 信仰可使人不做壞事。326. I was wondering if you would like to go to the church with me this coming Sunday. 我在想這星期天你能否陪我去一趟教堂。327. It’s just that I’m not very religious. 隻不過我並不是很虔誠的教徒。328. The past few years I've really become an agnostic. 過去幾年來,我真可說成了一個不可知論者。329. I just thought you might like my church’s Sunday service. 我隻不過是想你可能會喜歡我那教堂的禮拜儀式。330. Even though you aren’t religious, are you any particular religion? 雖然你不很虔誠,但你是不是某個教派的教徒?
450) this.width=450" controls="ControlPanel" loop="false" autostart="false" volume="100" initfn="load-types" mime-types="mime.types" />my reading【生詞解讀】1. Christian [5kristFEn] n. 基督教徒2. religion [ri5lidVEn] n. 教派;宗教團體3. define [di5fain] v. 解釋,給...下定義4. superstition [7sju:pE5stiFEn] n. 迷信;迷信行為5. miracle [5mirEkEl] n. 奇跡;奇跡般的人(或物)6. pray [prei] v. 祈禱,祈求7. agnostic [A^5nCstik] n. 不可知論者8. particular [pE5tikjulE] a. 特殊的;特定的;特別的