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Thanks for the message. We are making it a family ...
This is such a sweet poem. I like it. I saw Bal...
i am here to learn from you! :D
I like it a lot too. :-)
well said! 蝸牛角上校雌雄--I am very impressed
listened and learned!
Good reading! Wonderful!
回複千與.千尋的評論: 他還說八個音調是他自己的發明(...
曲剛說英語的“口腔後部發音”,是他發現的? 這個我小...
新英語900句之生活篇 Lesson21:Love and Passion愛與激情450) this.width=450" onload="javascript:if(this.width>450) this.width=450" />original sound track301. I don’t tell you I love you enough. 我愛你這句話,我對你說得不夠。302. My first love was when I was in high school. 我的初戀是在高中的時候。303. I hate being alone on Valentine’s Day. 我討厭一個人過情人節。304. He thinks he’s falling in love with her. 他以為他已經愛上了她。305. Love means different things to different people. 愛對不同的人意味著不同的東西。306. It’s easy to get hurt by people you love. 你很容易會被你所愛的人傷害。307. I’m in love with someone else. 我愛上了別人。308. Love can break your heart. 愛可以使你心碎。309. He’s in love only with himself. 他隻愛他自己。310. Marriages in the past often were without love. 過去的婚姻往往是沒有愛情的婚姻。311. You look like you are floating on cloud nine . 你看起來好像高興得飄飄欲仙。312. I guess it was fate working to bring you together. 我猜是命運使你們走到了一起。313. You can’t possibly love everything about a person. 你不可能喜歡一個人的全部。314. Just wait until you get to know him a bit longer, then you might find some things about him that get on your nerves. 等你和他相處的時間長一點,你就可能發現他有某些地方是讓你難以忍受的。315. Right now, you see him through rose colored glasses but later you will be able to see him as he is. 現在,你是情人眼裏出西施,覺得他什麽都好,不過不久後你就會看清楚他真實的一麵了。
450) this.width=450" controls="ControlPanel" loop="false" autostart="false" volume="100" initfn="load-types" mime-types="mime.types" />my recording【生詞解讀】1. Valentine’s Day 情人節(每年二月十四日)2. float [flEut] vi. 漂浮,浮動;飄動3. cloud nine [klaud nain] n. 極樂心境;狂喜狀態