originalsoundtrack16. Ineedtostartlookingforajob...."> originalsoundtrack16. Ineedtostartlookingforajob...." />
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Thanks for the message. We are making it a family ...
This is such a sweet poem. I like it. I saw Bal...
i am here to learn from you! :D
I like it a lot too. :-)
well said! 蝸牛角上校雌雄--I am very impressed
listened and learned!
Good reading! Wonderful!
回複千與.千尋的評論: 他還說八個音調是他自己的發明(...
曲剛說英語的“口腔後部發音”,是他發現的? 這個我小...
新英語900句之生活篇 Lesson2:Jobs And Careers工作和職業
450) this.width=450" />original sound track16. I need to start looking for a job. 我要開始找工作了。17. What do you think of your new boss? 你認為你的新老板如何?18. My boss works too hard. 我的老板工作太努力了。19. Does your job pay well? 你的工作薪水高嗎?20. We need to improve training in this company. 我們需要改善公司的培訓。21. The interview was very tough this afternoon. 今天下午的麵試很難。22. I spent all day on the phone talking to customers. 我一天都在給客戶打電話。23. I’m so busy that I had lunch at my desk. 我非常忙,午飯都是在辦公桌上吃的。24. I like my job because I get to travel a lot. 我喜歡我的工作,因為我能夠有機會經常出差。25. My brother flies for an airline. 我哥哥在一家航空公司當飛行員。26. What kind of job do you want to get? 你想要什麽樣的工作?27. I had a very good interview for a job with an advertisement company. 我在一家廣告公司麵試很成功。28. I would have to get a Master’s degree in order to find a job in that field. 要想在那個領域找工作,我必須要有碩士文憑。29. Will the boss mind if I have some personal items on my desk? 如果我在我的辦公桌上放一些個人物品,老板會介意嗎?30. Also, what is the company policy on taking leave for a vacation? 還有,在休假方麵,公司的政策是怎樣的?450) this.width=450" />my recording as of 9/20/2010
【生詞解讀】1. interview n. 麵談,麵試2. customer n. 顧客;買主3. airline n. 航空公司4. advertisement n. 廣告,宣傳5. Master’s degree n. 碩士學位