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(2022-02-15 12:04:08) 下一個
























第二天,兒子兒媳專為前來參加婚禮的年輕人舉辦一次風格活潑的pizza party。

讓孩子們自己去鬧騰吧。我和孩兒他媽為兒子兒媳去看看舊金山的房地產行情。順便來到Land’s End。

”Land’s End“在中文就是”天涯海角“的意思吧?



在Sausalito的Fish Market吃炸魚。每次來舊金山,我們都會來Sausalito 轉轉。



Wedding Speech:

Thanks for coming, everybody! Today is a very exciting day. It is exciting because today, this day, is the day, of course, Jessie and D’s wedding day.

But not only that, it is exciting because when D’s Mom gave a birth to D, the nurse gave me a pair of scissors and asked me to cut the umbilical cord, I was holding the scissors, trembling, and thinking about a lot of things, including today.

It is exciting because when I took a Merry-go-around ride together with D and his little sister Cindy at Disneyland, and felt dizzy while seeing the kids laughing and shouting happily, I was thinking about a lot of things, including today.

It is exciting because when D stood by a piano on his little tuxedo, bowed to the applauding audience after his first piano rehearsal, I was thinking about a lot of things, including today.

It is exciting because when two years ago at his Berkley graduation commencement, I saw D on his black gown, on a long line of graduates waiting for their names to be called one by one to go up to take his or her MBA diploma, D raised his arms and waived to us, I was thinking about a lot of things, including today.

It is an exciting day, but also somewhat sentimental day for D’s Mom and me. Because our 31-year-mission is finally over today. We have been enjoying the process so much. Gone with the days when grew together with him. Gone with the days when we could hold him under our wings. We have to give him away. He will be on his own. He will have his own home and his own better half. We will retreat to become a part of his background of his own life. We wish we would become a wallpaper on the computer in his soul, soothing, comforting, inspiring, on which everyday he can open a lot of new windows to the world.

I am proud to say that D inherited my temperament. He is always calm, gentle, amiable and friendly. He never showed his anger. When we scolded him for something, he never retorted, and only kept silent. He always kept his toys neat and clean, in good orders and good shapes. His favorite toys were two maps. One was a U.S. national map and the other one a NYC subway map. He knew the location of every state in America when he was about four years old and even knew the names of most of the state capitals. He put the NYC subway map on the floor and kneeled for long time to study it. He knew which train line was which color and in which station one could change to another train. When his Mom was pregnant with his sister and needed to go to her doctor to have checkups, D carefully designed for Mom a subway itinerary, in which Mom would take less stairs when changing trains.

But frankly D cried a lot as a child. Every time when he was about to cry, first he shut his eyes tightly, trying to hold back tears, and stretched his lips to the ears, and burst into crying, not very loudly, though, and requested: “紙!紙!紙!. Once his piano teacher was a bit tough to him. D started sobbing. At the moment the teacher was at a loss and didn’t know how to calm him down. I laughed and said to the teacher, “Don’t worry. He is just like that. He will be ok.” Before the next piano class, the teacher put a box of tissue paper by D’s side, and said, “This is for you, let’s be prepared for the scene that may happen.”

There was one incident D cried sadly and secretly. He kept it as a secret for many years. Only until very recently when we had a father-and-son chat did he tell me about this incident. Very often I worked late. My firm would give me free dinner and send a taxi to take me home. I usually picked something my kids liked to eat and brought the food home for them. One evening I brought home a bottle of cocoanut soda, which was D’s favorite. The next day D took that bottle to school and planned to enjoy it at lunch time. But it was taken away by his teacher. I imagine the teacher asked, “What’s this? A Molotov cocktail?” Later at lunch time, D saw his teacher holding that “bomb”, drinking! He felt deeply hurt and couldn’t hold back his tears again. That bottle of soda was carried all the way home for him by Dad. D told me he doesn’t have much memory about his elementary school, but that incident he remembered keenly.

D doesn’t cry for a bottle of soda anymore. He is a man now. There is Chinese saying says: 三十而立, which means by thirty years old, you stand straight and tall. The Chinese saying continues: 四十而不惑, which means by forty years old, you have no more doubts. So these ten years from thirty to forty is a critical period in a man’s life: with the experience, background and confidence you already have, you set up your career, set up your value, set up your independent life and set up your family. You stick to your guns and go hard after your goals. So that by forty years old, you can settle down yourself and have no more fears and doubts.

Now, as parents, we too have no more doubts. We have no doubts that D and Jessie will have a happy life together and a happy family forever. We have no doubts that their kids will be as good-looking, as smart, as intelligent, as considerate, as caring and as hard-working as they are. 祝一對新人白頭到老,幸福永遠!May them happy forever! Thank you!






我激動還因為,兩年前在伯克利大學畢業典禮上,我看到D穿著黑色長袍,站在畢業生隊列裏等待上台去領取MBA 文憑時,D舉起手臂向我們揮手,我想到很多事情,包括今天這個日子。



但坦白地說,D小時候經常哭。每次他快要哭的時候,他先是緊緊地閉上眼睛,來強忍淚水,然後把嘴唇一直要伸到耳朵邊,開始不放聲地大哭,“紙!紙!紙!”。有一次,他的鋼琴老師對他有點嚴厲。D又開始哭了。老師不知所措,不知道該如何安撫他。我笑著對老師說:“別擔心。他就是這樣。沒事的。” 下一節鋼琴課前,老師把一盒紙巾紙放在D旁邊,說:“這個給你,讓我們為可能要發生的事情做好準備。”

曾有一件事讓D哭得很傷心。這一直是他多年的一個秘密。直到最近,當我們進行一次父與子傾談時,他才告訴我這件事。那時我經常工作到很晚。我的公司會給我免費的晚餐並派車送我回家。我通常會挑選孩子們喜歡吃的東西,然後把食物帶回家。一天晚上,我帶了一瓶D 喜歡的椰子汽水回家。第二天,D 帶著那個瓶飲料去學校,打算在午飯時間享用。但卻被他的老師沒收了。我想象老師大概在問:“這是什麽?燃燒瓶吧?” 午飯時,D看到他的老師居然舉著那個“炸彈”在喝呢!他頓時感到很委屈,再一次管不住自己的眼淚。那瓶汽水可是爸爸老遠給他帶回家的呀。D告訴我,他對他的小學年代已沒有太多記憶,但那件事他難以忘懷。

現在D不再會為一瓶飲料而哭泣了。他現在是個男人了。中國有古語:“三十而立,四十而不惑。” 從三十歲到四十歲這十年,是人生的關鍵時期 -- 有了你已經擁有的經驗、背景和信心,你開始建立你的事業,建立你的價值觀,建立你的獨立人格,建立你的家庭。你努力拚搏,不達目的不罷休。這樣在四十歲時你就可以安定下來,不再有恐懼和疑惑。



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閱讀 ()評論 (25)
晝夜思想 回複 悄悄話 Congratulations on your accomplishment of raising such a nice and intelligent young man. May God bless him and his new family!
SINEAD4273 回複 悄悄話

Great story.

Thank you for sharing.
SINEAD4273 回複 悄悄話

Great story.

Thank you for sharing.
石假裝 回複 悄悄話 祝賀祝賀!帥哥美女,好基因。今後可以更輕鬆地玩兒了。
markyang 回複 悄悄話 你的發言非常感人,真誠地祝福新人幸福美滿
MarkM76 回複 悄悄話 新娘的白色婚紗簡單大方漂亮。
Imagine2018 回複 悄悄話 太美好了,祝福新人和全家
趙小丫兒 回複 悄悄話 祝福!
laopika 回複 悄悄話 好溫馨的婚禮,幸福一家子,快樂一輩子!恭喜!
dong140 回複 悄悄話 恭喜恭喜
清漪園 回複 悄悄話 祝賀祝賀!這可是一家人的大好事啊。兒子長得很像采花兄。在兒子的婚禮祝詞中談兒子的哭非常有創意,父子情深緩緩道來。感動!
零不是數 回複 悄悄話 恭喜!
小棒棒 回複 悄悄話 恭喜,也感謝分享!溫馨美好的婚禮!
wjrbb 回複 悄悄話 感動,祝福新人夫婦,祝福你們將兒女培養成人。
西雅圖登山 回複 悄悄話 祝福!恭喜!羨慕!我兒子date好幾年了也不著急結婚。。。
自導的人生-18 回複 悄悄話 恭喜恭喜!婚禮發言寫得很好!如果點綴點孩子媽媽的感想和故事感覺會更完美!
qiuqiudou 回複 悄悄話 恭喜恭喜!百年好合!
大漢唐 回複 悄悄話 恭喜,祝福新人!
世界在我心中 回複 悄悄話 祝賀
購物不狂 回複 悄悄話 太美好了,祝福新人!
淮北 回複 悄悄話 賀詞寫出了每一位父母想表達的心聲,恭喜!
正明21 回複 悄悄話 恭喜,恭喜!看得我也熱血沸騰,照片太美了。我家3個孩子將來也有這個過程,致辭參考了,謝謝。
江瑟瑟 回複 悄悄話 恭喜,恭喜!
gaobeibei 回複 悄悄話 那老師也太差勁了。
mikecwu 回複 悄悄話 沒有看到新娘的臉啊。貼出來給大家欣賞欣賞!