
生命中, 最愛那種壯美. ..大漠孤煙直, 長河落日圓. 也愛在煙雨紅塵中, 看 落霞與孤鶩齊飛, 秋水共長天一色...

late at night..

(2005-03-19 23:55:38) 下一個

it was drastic to know something didn't get to work the way it was expected, but well, it may just be that is the way it is supposed to be...


when wind flies by me, it awakes me. my heart, beating with all the blood in its normal cycle, tells me, are you all right buddy? yeah, i am fine. it is just a small matter, should be nothing to worry about.


it is late at night. and i still love this world...where my beloved are living, waiting to hug me not too far away from where i am now...

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