
生命中, 最愛那種壯美. ..大漠孤煙直, 長河落日圓. 也愛在煙雨紅塵中, 看 落霞與孤鶩齊飛, 秋水共長天一色...

A fair to remember...

(2005-03-19 20:30:22) 下一個
What's a fair to remember? Not a fair for vegetables or fruits, but an exposition of science and technology that'd been developed about 100 years ago in Portland, Oregon...Read this news from a website column, people at the time most likely died in the town they were born in, but the fair, which, lasted for over 4 months, attracted them thru affordable train fare and the novelty of the buildings constructed for the fair as well as the exotic things brought in by people across the world. people came, with the whole family...and they get stuff with the fair's logo on it..and it was remembered for generations... the boosting in culture, economic, as well as population, consequently was what followed the closure of the fair...what a fair! now i heard from news about the world consumer electronics expo. in las vegas not too long ago. it was even more remarkable in terms of the advance in sci. and tech. we've been striving for...but because the already widely taken action of travel per se and the progress in the transportation even internationally, as well as the convenience of reading news online, and plus, we were busy with the work, entertainment at local, or some quality family time, plus that nothing in the constantly-changing world can be called a fair to remember any long...truly...now with the locals at Portland, Oregon are setting up real size wall-painting of the scene wherein ladies wearing frilly and angle-length stepping down the columns with the well-suited gentlemen to discover the never-seen world out there, we accept it, we take it, we move on, as if, it is our nature to know the once-called shocking even world-wide... life is getting more complex, columnists are calling for simplicity in our lives. we try, harder and harder, do whatever we can to turn us back into what our ancestors used to be, we buy whole foods, we dress "simple", we go hiking, build houses in countryside. but when needed, we become the most complex creatures ever, equipped with all sorts of electronic appliances with all sorts of glitches...going back surely isn't completely true... however, when darkness falls, before the commencement of the next sunrise, staring at the starry sky...do you, can you, visualize, such a fair to remember? millions of people, came out together, just to see what couldn't never been seen elsewhere...can you..dream on, about the dream you always have had since your childhood about having fun with your childhood friends, sitting in crowd in class with an interest in the story told by some story teller, working with some eldlies just waiting for them to tell u what occured to their lives and what's new out there, or just simply, going to end of the skyline to see whether there are others living there just like us? yeah?? i call those fairs, that we had in the course of our growth...they are fairs that trigger our growth into who we are today, it is not only about profession, leisure, or life philosophy, simply, they are fairs, prosperous fairs we had in our mind, that we had for ourselves and they exist deep down there for many, many years to come...
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