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回複 '喜歡簡單2023' 的評論 : 簡單地說,就我了解的情...
在皮膚病 牛皮癬 Psoriasis 的治療上,美國與英國有什...
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多數情況,家裏有啥都不用。 家裏有遊泳池,一定去GY...
去年的西藏動亂讓那裏的旅遊業幾乎完全停頓,今年新疆又出了暴亂,西藏立刻又變得一票難求. 現在國內特別流行自駕車旅行我的這對朋友每年花半年就開著越野車去探險獵奇,這些年走了不少地方,其中西藏,新疆就各去了兩次,這些照片是我的朋友兩次西藏之行拍下的,走多了,還出了本自駕車旅行路線的書,其他朋友看了她最近做的博客躍躍欲試,包了車邀我從成都和她們一起去,我真的是猶豫再三還是放不下這裏的孩子,隻能謝絕,心裏那個痛啊. 聽說沿途九十九拐,常常身旁就是懸崖陡壁,路途那是非常險峻的,不過風景也格外令人神往,大概就是這旅程的高潮所在。如果有朋友有興趣自駕車去旅遊,最好帶些小文具用品在車上,沿途很多是沒有開發的地區,物資非常貧匱,這些文具會給那裏的孩子帶去很多歡樂。和她要了幾張照片和大家分享,過過幹癮, 更多的照片和路線在這裏http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1623356782林芝的春天國道318,剛下過一場雪,湖麵有小鳥覓食川西,鄉城,峽穀台地上的村莊馬背上的孩子,黃河邊炊煙,阿裏I am a driver on a western highwayFrom the mountains and to the seaAnd there's a song on the western highwaySaying I will be free The sky is fading to the color of the valleyDust of angels, and dust of dreamsYour city lights will shine until tomorrowAnd I will not be hereYour light is brighter thanAnything I've ever seenI hear your voice on every stationSingin'out of your dreamBy the roadside the trees are shiverin'Black and silver in the cool night airAnd under the moonlight hear a song you're singin'Sayin' I will meet you thereHere I am on the road againThe song began and then in the endI'll be standin' by the seaI am a driver on a western highwayFrom the mountains and to the seaAnd there's a song on the western highwaySayin' I will be freeRecorded by Maura O'Connellart