You asked:
房間裏的照明越來越重要,我想請人在幾個房間安上recessed light,象kitchen, family-room, living-room, bedroom等等。我聽說過有一個算法,就是按平均每平方尺多少瓦的照明來算所需的燈的數量,但記不清具體的數字了。我想沒必要裝太多燈 overkill,當然也不能忙乎半天結果還沒裝夠。想請問有經驗的同學們,尤其是建過新房的各位,你如何決定一個房間裏裝多少個燈?
Just for a reference, it seems that the kitchen has the highest density of the recessed lights.
There are total of 12 recessed lights in the kitchen.
About 4' apart from each other.

Another side of kitchen ceiling

The study has four of them

Master bedroom has total of 6, these are two of them

The other four are here