
西班牙燴飯 - Paella[suezi-q]

(2011-07-02 18:00:44) 下一個
西班牙燴飯 - Paella


- 2 TB Olive oil
- 1 LB蝦 - 去殼去腸, 用鹽抓捏後, 洗淨, 擦幹, 撒上胡椒, 鹽 和 一點chili powder
- 小雞一隻切大塊用鹽,胡椒, chili powder 醃入味,
- Louisiana hot and smoked sausage (最好是用 Chorizo sausage)
- 1 dozen mussels
- Onion, celery, bell pepper—chopped (我喜歡多放一點蔬菜)
- Garlic minced
- 14.5 oz canned diced tomato
- ½ tsp saffron threads, soak in warm water (這是它的關鍵香料)
- 2 cup long grain rice, I used basmati rice here
- Chicken broth 1 罐 (有時用clam juice)
- 1 cup dry sherry wine
- Salt and black pepper to taste
- frozen peas and carrot (only needs peas, but this is what I have)

Lemon wedges and minced parsley for garnish (I used fennel from my garden)

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我用了一個6-quart braise pan (任何扁一點的, 平底的, 大口鍋都行) , 燒熱鍋, 裏麵放橄欖油, 把雞塊放入, 兩麵煎成金黃,取出, 再放入臘腸,也炒成金黃取出, 同樣把蝦也兩麵煎過取出.

同一鍋裏加入洋蔥, 芹菜, 甜黃椒, 大蒜, 炒軟, 加米, 炒香,

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加酒, 把鍋底刮一下, 加番茄, 雞湯, saffron, 雞塊 , 鹽, 胡椒, 燒開, 蓋蓋, 小火燜15分鍾

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<開蓋, 加豌豆, 臘腸, 蝦, 拌勻, 加青口, 再蓋蓋, 中火燜7-8分鍾, 關火.

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