
The Weather

(2008-06-25 18:17:31) 下一個
Cold weather
Chilly-----cold, but not extremely
Frost----thin white coat of ice on everything
Sleet-----frozen or partly frozen rain and snow mixed
Slush-----dirty, brownish, half melted snow
blizzard-----heavy snow blown by high winds
snowdrift----deep banks of snow against walls, etc.
Freezing------extremely cold, with temperatures at or below the freezing point
Thaw--------chage from hard, frozen state to more liquid
Melt----chage from solid to liquid under heat

Warm/hot weather
Stifling------hot, uncomfortable; you can hardly breathe
Humid------moist, damp air
Muggy------unpleasantly warm and extremely humid; makes you sweat
Scorching----burning heat
Boiling-------excessively hot
Sweltering-----oppressive heat
Close------umcomfortably warm and stuffy
Mild------moderate; not severe or extreme
Heat wave-----unusually hot weather

Wet weather
This wet weather scale gets stronger from left to right.
damp--->drizzle--->pour/downpour--->torrential rain--->flood
Drizzle----rain slightly in very small drops
Downpour---a heavy or continuous shower
Torrential rain---pouring in abundance
Flood----a great flow of water
Shower---short duration
Storm----high winds and rain together
Thunderstorm-----thunder and heavy rain
Hailstones-----small balls of ice falling from the sky
Overcast-----very cloudy
Drought-----lack of rain, abnormally dry weather
Misty-----particles of moisture in the air
foggy-----thick, heavy moisture in the air

Breeze----light wind
Blustery-----windy, blowing strongly
Gust-------blow suddenly or strongly
Gale------tempest, strong wind
Hurricane----strong tropical storm

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