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"這裏怎麽像黑店,你將來得小心一點啊。" 我忿忿不平地對朋友說。







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禦樹林楓 回複 悄悄話 回複luckylv的評論:
If the transaction totality printed on the ticket was correct, your money should be safe. The management “kicked the ball” for other reasons: the branch manager treated your issue as a complain, because the problem should be solve by the person who opened the ATM, maybe the staff in that sub-branch or in a special ATM team belong to the branch; moreover, the management did not like to disclose more internal issues. Anyway you lost precious time.

Your boss's considerations were appreciated. However, the extra $2000 was more likely to be claimed back, unless your boss evaporated. Monitor videos are so useful for this case, always.
花兒朵朵 回複 悄悄話 不是第一次了吧?傻哥。嗬嗬
luckylv 回複 悄悄話 Chinatown-San Francisco
luckylv 回複 悄悄話 Oh, by the way, also about 10 years ago, my Taiwan boss went to the Washington Mutual bank on Grant Ave (Chintown branch) to withdraw $3000. The Chinese teller counted and handed him $5000. He smiled and told her to count again, the teller did and said it was correct. My boss was nice to point out it was $2000 extra....
I was only 18 yr old and didnt understand why my boss was so honest-- he said the teller was just making a little bit above minimum wage, if he took the money from her, then she would have to pay back to the bank, which may cause her a whole month paycheck.
I guess, we are all human being and we all make mistake.
luckylv 回複 悄悄話 to: 禦樹林楓
禦樹林楓 回複 悄悄話 回複luckylv的評論:
Was the transaction totality printed on the ticket correct ?
luckylv 回複 悄悄話 禦樹林楓 & nissanusedcar
ATM is even worse. about 10 years ago, I have been deposit all my Ebay checks at the ATM window at Wellsfargo bank and they lost some of my checks and they didn't do anything about it. I had talked to supervisor, branch manager, ect, but they always kick the ball back and forth.
hotpepper 回複 悄悄話 you should report this person to her management! Not sure if she is incompetent or intentional
禦樹林楓 回複 悄悄話 我上回說的好清楚了:這種情況,單人臨櫃風險在客戶身上。即使有監控設備,也要從客戶方發起請求回放。可以試試ATM。
nissanusedcar 回複 悄悄話 If you have your own checking or savings account in citibank, you can use their automatic deposit / withdrawl machines by your debit card and avoid contacting those tellers.
luckylv 回複 悄悄話 我每次去存錢的時候都是先數兩三次,寫下總數. 再讓老公數兩三次寫下總數再拿到銀行去. 自己的錢怎麽能相信一個teller呢.
另外我總是先寫好 $100 $50 $20 $5 再數有多少張 $100, $50...
這樣就比較易合算起來. 因為如果數幾千元的話很容易數亂的.
再有把錢拿給teller 時在錢上貼上總數多少. 讓teller 數到準為止.心裏有底心裏有數就不怕再遭到效滑or笨teller 啦.
最後最重要的是核對收據, 回來店裏再上網進入帳戶核對一次.存好收據以防萬一.