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Michael Nyman 鋼琴曲六首- by 邵俊可

(2005-03-27 19:31:48) 下一個

Michael Nyman

Album: The Piano
Style:Mostly Classical

01 The Heart Asks Pleasure First

02 The Promise

03 Theme From Love Story

04 Big My Secret

05 I Clipped Your Wing

06 The Scent ofLlove

邵俊可 版權所有 翻製不究 2005-3-27download
Michael Nyman (born March 23, 1944) is a British minimalist composer, pianist, librettist and musicologist, many of whose works are associated with the filmmaker Peter Greenaway. Other directors with whom he has worked include Jane Campion (The Piano, 1992). The film is about a woman who refuses to speak, her piano, and her daughter are sent to New Zealand for an arranged marriage.
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