外媒:Pakistan scientists invited to watch China’s manned space flight launch
BEIJING: China has invited scientists from Pakistan, Germany, France, Italy, Russia and the EU to watch the launch of its next month’s manned space flight to send two astronauts to join a space lab+ which has been put into orbit, a media report said on Friday.
The scientists were invited to watch the launch of Shenzhou 11 capsule from Inner Mongolia next month, Hong Kong- based South China Morning Post reported.
The capsule will be propelled by a Long March 2F rocket similar to the one which put the experimental space lab Tiangong-2+ into orbit Thursday night without a hitch.
The Tiangong-2 launch was telecast live on state TV.
消息可靠,中國已經同意,沒同意美俄(話說人家有自己的)中國好像也婉拒俄 現在的國際空間站到2022年退役,而中國空間站2022年服役,歐洲航天局早就放話要和中國合作,所以要帶上,具體國別應該不是我們來決定的。限於目前技術帶不了太多人,巴鐵起的是中國合作的示範帶頭作用,必須帶上,所以美俄隻能靠後