

美國國會山愛國華人抗議集會開幕詞 (中英文)

(2008-05-03 04:58:43) 下一個




女士們, 先生們, 孩子們,


我們今天從各地來到這裏, 每一個人都百感交集. 我們是來悼念在拉薩暴亂中無辜被害的19 位同胞, 我們是來向顛倒黑白的自由媒體和政客們發出呐喊, 我們是來團結一致聲援在孤獨困境中前行的祖國和祖國人民! 我們是來響應時代和世界對我們中國人作出的招喚!

我們生活在美國的中國人因為我們獨特的身份和經曆, 我們既愛中國, 又愛美國. 在另許多人頭痛的東西方文化的巨大差異之間, 我們既能欣賞東方, 又能理解西方. 我們不是政治家, 但是我們是世界和平的天然使者和橋梁. 

我們今天來到這裏, 不僅僅是為了中國, 也不僅僅是為了今天能暢快的呼吸. 我們全都發自內心地為一個正在迅速跌落和扭曲的夢想而痛心. 公義, 真理, 和平和自由, 這些普世珍惜的價值從來沒有象今天這樣和謊言與偏見緊緊相纏. 我們中國人常說國破家亡的道理, 所以我們自然而然地愛著中國. 可是, 我們現在看到了, 當這些普世價值和謊言偏見纏繞在一起的時候, 一個大國便如此輕易地被汙蔑得麵目全非, 數十億的人民竟被輕易地描述成世人眼中的呆民和暴民! 這樣的世界怎麽會有和平?  這樣的自由怎不叫人心寒?

我們怎麽辦呢? 等待世界夢醒嗎? 我們每一個今天來到這裏的人都知道, ! 我們決不會再把希望寄托他人. 我們人民才是世界良心的真正承載者! 我們才是我們自己的希望! 當自由世界的媒體和政客們選擇了謊言, 當熱愛自由的美國人民不幸又被謊言家選擇. 我們這些普通的海外華人, 將責無旁貸地以嶄新的姿態迎接世界和時代賜與我們的挑戰與機遇!

在今天的振奮人心的抗議集會以後, 我們每一個美國華人都要長期不懈地努力, 從草根民眾作起, 從身邊的人做起, 從一個群體到另一個群體, 從一個縣城到另一個縣城, 作起中西人民溝通的橋梁. 隻有當美國的普通人民和我們站到一起, 謊言媒體和政客們才不能一手遮天, 我們的中國才會有希望, 我們的世界才會有希望, 我們的孩子們才會擁有一個更美好的世界!

我們原本素昧平生, 但是共同的心願和夢想讓我們每一個華人在異國他鄉心手相連. 讓我們從此團結起來, 就象這次這樣, 我們一定能讓世界聽到我們的聲音!



Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls:

Today, we gather here from different places, full of emotion and compassion. We come here to memorize the 19 innocent victims killed during Lhasa riot. We come here to protest against the Media and politicians who can turn black into white. We come here united to support our motherland and Chinese people who are struggling forward alone for a dream of century old. We come here to answer the calling upon us by history and by the world.

Because of our unique status and experience, we love both China and America. In between the huge cultural difference between the east and the west, we can appreciate both of them. We are not politicians, but we are the natural missionaries and bridges for peace in the world.

Today, we come here, not just for China, not just for breathing lightly today. We can feel our hearts aching for our rapidly falling and distorted dreams. Truth and justice and, peace and freedom, all the values we hold so dear, have never been so twisted together with lies and prejudice. We Chinese knew the saying, when a country is broken, no home is safe. However, now we all saw, when our cherished values became so twisted together with lies and prejudice, a huge country was so easily slandered to be like a demon. Over billion’s innocent people were so easily painted as thugs and goons. How could there be peace in such a world? How could we not feel chilled by such freedom?

What are we going to do? Waiting for the world to wake up? Every one of us here knows: No! We will not rest our hope onto the others. We, the common people, are the real conscience of the world. We are our own hope! When the free media and politicians select lies, when the freedom loving American people are selected by these politicians, we, Chinese abroad, have no excuse but live up to the challenge and opportunity bestowed upon us by the time and the world!

After our thrilling demonstration rally today, we, every Chinese in America, shall persistently work, from common people around us, from one group to another group, from on county to another county, to build the bridge between the western and the east. When common American people and us stand together, lying media and politicians will not be able to manipulate the truth!  And our motherland may have a new image, our world may have hope, and our children may live in a better world than today!

We don’t know each other before, but a common ideal and dream led us here together! Let’s be united like today, we know for sure that we will let our voice be heard by the world!

Thank you!


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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
101may 回複 悄悄話 謝謝您轉印了我的文章.非常感動你的理解. 是的, 我們的這種孤獨
不是因為沒有朋友, 而是你和你的朋友的聲音都一起被消彌的痛苦. 當世界12%的人的聲音讓88%的人的聲音消失和歪曲,而我們是這多數之中的一員, 我們一樣會感到孤獨.
瀟湘遊子 回複 悄悄話 非常好!謝謝。