

Join the tide: a petition on Tibet and Olympic issues

(2008-05-01 07:34:29) 下一個

All freedom loving and peace loving people in the world, we earnestly invite you to join our movement. Let your voice heard! Truth can be DISTORTED if you choose to be silent! Please take an action! It is no use to complain only among us, we have to let these politicians and agencies know our voices. Please join the movement, so the voice of each one of us will be louder and more valuable! That is how democracy works! Come join us! Together, we can make a difference!

If you agree with the following message, please feel free to distribute the following message and send to the listed recipients by yourself (plain email recommended) with your signature! We want the mail boxes of these recipients flooded with our voice! Please write ‘Petition on Tibet and Olympic Issues’ in subject area in your email.   

To but not limited to the following recipients:

Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker: info@speaker.gov

John McCain, Republic presidential candidate: john@johnmccain.com 

Hillary Clinton, New York State Senator: info@hillaryclinton.com

Barack Obama, Illinois Senator: info@barackobama.com

CNN, USA:  Public.Information@cnn.com

Washingtongpost, USA: foreign@washpost.com, ombudsman@washpost.com

BBC, UK:  insideout@bbc.co.uk

Bild Zeitung Germany: info@principality-of-sealand.ch 

Der Spiegel Germany:  media@spiegel.de

Berliner Morgenpost Germany: online-redaktion@berliner-morgenpost.de 

CTV, Canada: news@ctv.ca, Mike@mikeduffy.ca


A Petition to Some Politicians and Some Major Media in the World

On Tibet and Olympic Issues

This is a grassroots signature campaign by Chinese abroad initiated by



Maryland, USA

On Easter Sunday, March 23, 2008

Last week, the tragic riot happened in Lhasa, China, has clinched billions people’s hearts all over the world. As Chinese people abroad, our hearts are burning and aching for the loss of innocent lives in such a brutal way. While we were mourning for our country and our people’s lives, we were shocked and more saddened by the fact that a number of well known free media in the free world seemed to have quietly united together to give the world alarmingly biased reports by using fake or cropped photos, false illustrations, editing and hiding real crime scenes of the rioters, selectively showing or not showing some people’s voices, and so on. These media include some well known names such as, CNN, Washingtonpost in the US; BBC in UK; Bild Zeitung, Der Spiegel, Berliner Morgenpost, Germany, CTV, Canada, etc.

We Chinese abroad were not only saddened deeply, but almost furious. The biased reports and views that these free media and some politicians determined to choose to stand with have united numerous common Chinese people from all over the world in the scale that never seen before. We have been living in the free world for years and known what democracy and freedom is, and have full access to all information from all possible sources, and we have been blessed with the unique opportunity to actually feel the difference in cultures and systems between China and the western world, as naturally neutral and relatively objective observers who are not so attached or submerged to either one of them. Therefore, please do not stereotype us and categorize our voice as being brainwashed by Chinese government.  

Living through 9/11 in the US, and hurricane Katrina in the US, we understand that the free American people, Britain people, and Germany people have exactly the same heart and feeling as us. We joined the mourning American people for the loss of innocent lives during 9/11 attacks launched by the people in the name of their God; We witnessed the Chaos during hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, and actually surprised by seeing the fully armed American soldiers and tanks cruising around the suffering people trapped by the water. However, we immediately came to understand that American people need order and safety more, freedom less, if not at least, in a disaster and chaos scene like that. We have also been following the American presidential elections up to now, and understand that after declaring democracy and equal rights for all for many years, the whole society still carries the scars of the deep wounds from their unique slavery history in the past, we have sympathy on both white people and black people, and understand that it needs more time and patience and generosity of both sides to heal the wound.

After all of these experience, we became more generous and patient to Chinese people and government back at home, we hopefully and patiently waiting or joining in personal ways to the quiet transformation that has been undertaking for a couple of decades by the mainland Chinese people with 56 ethnic groups! And their government as defect as it may be in your eyes. We understand that our dream will not come true so romantically in a split moment, and as a matter of fact, such a thing has never happened in the world. Even after the Declaration of Independence, the black American people had waited for a good of hundred years to be liberated from slavery, and a good of another hundred years to be seated on the same bus as the white American people, and after another 40 years or so, still now, both white and black people are bitterly venting or hiding their painful feeling about each other, which has been exhibited so vividly during this election year. If America, with so short history and so less historical baggage, still struggling with its own imperfectness like this, while China, with thousands years of history, and so much more historical baggage, we common people came to understand that we need talk less and do so much more, to work together with the government to transform our system and our future to a better one for all the Chinese people.

However, we are so puzzled this time. While American people and their allies are in dire need the understanding and cooperation from all over the world to counter terrorism, how could the free world media define a riot in the name of God's sake, or Lama's sake, or freedom's sake, that are targeting innocent citizens, infrastructures and banks, that happened in China's territory as peaceful protest? No matter how much the rioters or terrorists themselves might have been subjected to unfair treatment in the history, their claimed suffering cannot justify their means! For this respect, we do not even have to ask the understanding from American people and other free world people, because we knew you understood this so well since 9/11 in 2001; we knew you have justified yourself using armed force during Katrina chaos; we knew you just learned from Iraq that judging on the others from outside is far different from the feeling when you are actually in there; and we knew you so hope in 2008 if only the black American people would just forget the historical baggage and look forward!  However, our shaky world would not go any further or better if you cannot forgive the others like you wish to be forgiven, or at least, have a little bit more patience with the others!

During Tiananmen Square incident, the western media have done a great deal to gain the trust of common Chinese people by reporting some truth during the event. However, so disappointedly, this time, the western media, together with some doctrine-minded politicians mounted by your own self-righteousness, will lose not only billions freedom loving people's trust, but also lose billions common people's hearts all over the world, because our hearts are aching deeply when western media united to express the notion that killing our innocent Chinese people, including Chinese local Tibetans, Chinese Muslims and Chinese Han people, women and children, in the name of freedom or His Holiness is just OK! And even to the extent, that you feel justified by using low level methods like cropping or modifying photos, or making false illustrations, and many other ways, to influence more uninformed people! Ironically, these low level performances seemed to have helped to justify the Chinese government’s decision to expel you folks out to avoid you further compounding the situation.

While common Chinese people including Chinese Tibetans in Lhasa were so relieved to see their service men in uniforms finally occurred on the street to regain order and save lives with basically just sticks and shields in hands! The western media and politicians are hauling around the world to boycott Olympics and to investigate how this government with an old bad name may have shot down the rioters killing, looting and shouting for freedom. Yes, there might have been some gunshots heard, but so what? What a relief it was to the millions of common people in Lhasa in the midst of terror and panicky; and what a thank to God for that old Chinese man fallen on the street facing the sharp knife approaching to his throat waging in the hand of a rioter in the name of freedom! But alas, too late, too late for the one Chinese Tibetan girl and other four Chinese Han girls who were burned to death! If this happened during Hurricane Katrina, the whole US will be outraged for their armed soldiers in tanks for holding their machine guns back and not to protect innocent lives just because being afraid of shooting rioters will incur condemnations from the free world! When your reporters and politicians sound perfectly righteous to yourself and feel superiorly good to yourself, you never even realized that you have just sent a chilling message down to the spines of numerous people on the other side of the world, because it simply tells that the people’s lives under a government that is disliked by the western free world are somehow cheaper or less than the people who are either living in the free world already or backed by the free world!

Please make no mistake, having said all these, we do not support some Chinese officials habitual controlling on information, but we knew a coin has two sides. On one side, the poor old styled Chinese officials have been so used to be picked on anything by the finger pointing free world, so they are somehow shaky or not so sure of themselves doing even the right things for the people; on the other side, the media and politicians in the free world have been so used to stick your noses into the other countries business, and never feel those governments in apprentice could do anything straight right per your standard. Enough! when all of you politicians on two sides are still fighting for who is more right, the common people’s lives dangling on the line could not have two more seconds to wait for a winner to be announced! Enough is enough, it is time now for the main stream media, governments, politicians of all sides to reflect yourself!

Yes, right now!

Today is Easter Sunday for Christian society, Jesus Christ died and resurrected on this day back to thousands years ago. Jesus came to the world to preach love. While nobody in this world dare to claim that they have preached God’s love any more than Jesus, we have witnessed plenty of people here who can unashamedly claim that they definitely have preached freedom more than Jesus! The sleek politicians and so-called free media, how on the world you could preach your freedom to these numerous innocent people (thousands times more than the rioters and their backers) facing the bloody killing by the rioters with a freedom tattoo on their foreheads, by just saying: ‘behold! Freedom is on the way!’

Our hearts will be always with the innocent people killed here in America on 9/11, there in Tibet on 3/14, or anywhere else in the world, but hardly can be with all these free media and professional politicians in the free world who preach freedom with only mind, but no heart! Do you really think you love other people more than Jesus does? …  Think about it again!

To regain the hearts and trust of billions of true freedom loving people all over the world, to the numerous people who have sought for you as a free media and free world, you need not to tell China and those riot survivors mind their image! You need to remind yourself to mind your own image! 

The Olympic 2008 is on the way, with the pain and joy of surviving from such ruthless riot, numerous Tibetan people inside China and billions of other 55 ethnic groups in China will step forward a major stride on their way of seeking the real God given gifts, love and freedom, in their own unique path and pace, by showing the world their hospitality with yet limited living conditions and limited freedom. Why should they be happy about that? Were they brainwashed by the government again? No, they are happy to welcome all of you not because what they have now are the same as yours, but because how far behind they started, and how much they have changed and accomplished with ruthless hard work, through understanding and compromising within this biggest society in the world, a success that freedom alone would never be able to make it happen! However, they are not asking for less, and they are still working so very hard toward the perfect dream that every human being on our planet has being dreaming for thousands of years!  From UK to US, from Iraq to Afghanistan, from Korea to China!

Thanks for all the new technology, history is in the making by the common people like us all over the world more so than ever! The free main stream media and politicians in the free world, we, common people, say to you, watch out! Do not fall out of the tide!  The media and governments on the other part of the world, we say to you, please! Catch the wave!

Yes, the tide, the wave,

One world, one dream!

Please, join the tide, join the movement,

Together, we, common people, can make our world better!

Thank you!











































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