

(2009-03-30 21:00:14) 下一個


一直對中美關係比較關心,看過不少東西,但也很快忘了,所以想借文學城寶地一席,權作個收藏夾,一來自己瀏覽方便些,二來也與同好共享。我會不斷更新補充新內容的。 此為題記。

- 逸寬於孑孓盧


Military Power of the People’s Republic of China - 2009 (PDF)

-          Office of the Secretary of Defense

Military Power of the People's Republic of China for 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002 archival (PDF)

Is China the New America?

Harold James is a professor of history and international affairs at Princeton University.

Is America the New China?

Jonathan Holslag is head of research for the Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies (BICCS).

Team 'Chimerica'

By Niall Ferguson

Washington PostMonday, November 17, 2008; Page A19

Niall Ferguson, a professor of history at Harvard University, is the author most recently of "The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World."


RAND Corporation

is a nonprofit global policy think tank first formed to offer research and analysis to the United States armed forces.

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace

is a right wing public policy think tank and library founded in 1919 by future U.S. president Herbert Hoover.  The Hoover Institution is located on the campus of Stanford University, Hoover's alma mater.


Minxin Pei

Minxin Pei is a senior associate in the China Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.














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