
人生在世,以誠相待足矣。 我對人生充滿希望,但隨遇而安
綠珊瑚 (熱門博主)
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Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.
-- George S. Patton

3 月 1 日,收到北京第三中級法院 2 月 28 日簽發的,對李南央訴北京首都機場海關案第 25 次延審通知。3 月 6 日,加州奧克蘭地區聯 邦法官泰格,裁準斯坦福大學取消美國 DLA 律 師事務所代理張玉珍資格的動議。
絕不開庭的作法,不過向外界顯示習近平領導 的中國共產黨,將繼續堅不開啟出版自由,黨絕對淩駕憲法之上的政治體製。後案,我等待著共產黨 為張玉珍尋找到另一個美國律所,接著代理她這個玩偶反訴斯坦福大學和李南央。不過,與前案無異, 自 2019 年 7 月 12 日胡佛圖書檔案館布告“傑出的中國曆史學家、政治家李銳的資料現在正式開放供 研究使用”起,已三年有餘,李銳資料中的“秘密”已是覆水難收。共產黨若欲再投數百萬美元替張 玉珍聘請新的律師把官司打到底,不過是秀秀肌肉,顯擺一下“老子有錢”。
斯坦福大學胡佛研究所在她的官網“使命宣言/Mission Statement 頁麵上說:
“This Institution supports the Constitution of the United States, its Bill of Rights and its method of
representative government......./本研究所支持美國憲法和它的權利法案及代議製政府的運作方式......”
附言:很多朋友向我問起如何聯係閱覽李銳資料,這是胡佛圖書檔案館的詢問郵址:hoover- library-archives@stanford.edu

Follow-up report 104 on "Li Nanyang's lawsuit against Customs"
——Never give up a responsibility
On March 1, I received the notice of the 25th postponement of Li Nanyang v. Beijing Capital Airport Customs issued by the Beijing 3rd Intermediate Court on February 28. On March 6, Judge Tigar, a federal judge in the District of Oakland, California, granted Stanford University's motion to disqualify DLA Law Firm from representing Zhang Yuzhen.
For the previous case, with the dissemination of the E version of Li Rui Oral History, the historical truth revealed in the book can no longer be concealed. The only purpose that the 3rd Intermediate Court continues to hold a court session is to show to the outside world that the Communist Party of China led by Xi Jinping will never practice Freedom of the Press and will insist on a political system in which the Party absolutely overrides the Constitution. In the latter case, I am waiting for the CCP to find another American law firm to represent Zhang Yuzhen, a puppet of the party, to take over the counterclaim Stanford University and Li Nanyang. However, the same as in the previous case, it has been more than three years since the Hoover Library and Archives announced on July 12, 2019 that “the papers of the prominent Chinese historian and politician Li Rui are now open for research.” The "secrets" contained in Li Rui materials have been known by thepublic,whichareirretrievable. IftheCCPwantstospendmillionsofdollarstohireanewlawyerforZhang Yuzhen to fight this lawsuit to the end, it is just to show off its muscles and show that "I am rich."
The Hoover Institution says on its official website "Mission Statement/Mission Statement" page:
“This Institution supports the Constitution of the United States, its Bill of Rights and its method of representative government.......”
Thinking that the Hoover Institution, which respects the U.S. Constitution, will be scared off by the CCP’s muscles and money bags, that is the thought from the brain of Xi Jinping’s pig teammates; thinking that Li Nanyang will succumb to fear and give up the responsibility-to fulfill her father’s entrustment and let Li Rui materials to become a public instrument of society is to consider me as a subject under the watchful eye of the CCP. Thismonth,anotherfriendadvisedmetoliveamoreunrestrainedlife,sinceitismeaninglesstoconfront the CCP. But I thought it is meaningful. General Patton once said, “Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base.” To never give up a responsibility is the battle of life for me. My father left his materials, so that I can stand on his shoulders and look around the world. Why not challenge myself and climb higher? The United States where I live is at a critical juncture of turning into a social system of one party, one ideology, and a country of Party-State. President Trump, who is four years older than me, has shown an incomparable essence of historical responsibility-- never give up and never give in, in this battle. History is written by everyone in that era, shame is written by cowards, glory is written by manhood, and I would like to be a hard pebble in the glorious history

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