
過簡單的生活, 因為最簡單的也是最真實的,往往也是最寶貴的。


(2009-07-06 08:29:03) 下一個


Aask the transport company or google them by yourself the following:
1) Have you been in business at least 5 years?
2) Do you have a good record with the better business bureau? (www.bbb.org
the facts)
3) How may stars do they have with www.transportreviews.com? (Be aware that
some companies pay their customers to post 5 star reviews. If there are an
unusually large number of reviews, you can be sure that most of them are paid
4) Do I get my entire deposit back if I cancel my order? (This will be found
in their terms and conditions)


BDid you Know?
(1)  Most transport companies that advertise on the internet have been in
business for less than 3 years!  They make a website or get leads from moving
company websites.  They make considerable claims and promises,  take the
customers money , and never provide the service.  Many of these companies
will get shut down or go bankrupt and open under another name.
(2)  Most companies require a non-refundable deposit.  This means that even
if they don't move your car they will keep your money!
(3)  Many companies will promise short delivery times just to get the order.
(4)  Low prices in most cases means one or all of the following:
      (A)  Inferior trucks
      (B)  Unqualified drivers
      (C)  Do not carry required insurance
      (D)  Poor or no service at all


我考慮了價錢和上麵這些情況後,選了M2ReevesCarShippng.com。除了在door to door的服務上和司機爭論了一番外,其他方麵還算滿意。不過,司機最終還是按照我們的要求在近的地方pick updelivery了。

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